"My! It's the Birthday Girl!" [Funtime Freddy]

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"Hey Bawn Bawn! Guess what?" Bon Bon looked up at Funtime Freddy excited and curious. "What is it Freddy?" The bear then chuckle as he shook his head lightly. "Nah-ah-ah~ you have to guess it first" Bon Bon then thought rapidly as he spoke. "Uhh-Oh! Is it the Birthday Boy?!" Freddy then laughed as he nodded. "That's right! But this time it's the Birthday Girl! Bawn Bawn, say hello to our new friend Y/n!" Bon Bon was curiously confused as he smiled. "A Birthday Girl? Freddy where is she?" Bon Bon looked behind of Freddy seeming like no ones was truely back there.

"What?-Where did she go!? Bawn Bawn, she was right behind me-" the pink and white Bear panicked as he turned himself around a couple of times just to so check if she was there. "Calm down Freddy, it was probably just your imagination playing tricks with you...Again...." Freddy then started to weep out droplets of tears as he hunched his back a little. "Awww! But-But, she was real Bawn Bawn...." Bon Bon patted the bear on the cheek and sighed lightly. "It's alright Freddy, don't cry" But before Freddy could weep out more tears Bon Bon and him then heard a slight giggle. And that was coming directly up top of them.

Freddy and Bon Bon both looked up at the ceiling seeing nothing but wires and darkness. But then suddenly a light pinkish figure came dropping down.

Falling right on top of em. "WATCH OUT!" Said the falling figure. Freddy fell down on his back while the figure stayed laying sideways on his belly. Bon Bon carefully rubbed his head as he looked towards at the figure that was lying on Freddy's belly. Technically crushing it. "Ugh...my head....wh-who are you?" Bon Bon asked with soreness in his head as he carefully still rubbed it. The figure did the same to but then responded with a slight groan. "Ugh...oh my...I'm so terribly sorry....." there was a female voice coming out of the pinkish figure as it lifted itself up.

"Bawn Bawn? What happened....?" The bear lifted his upper body as he scratched the back of his head feeling sore from the impact. Bon Bon just stared at him as he stayed a bit silent from hearing the figure talk. "Bawn Bawn? Are you ok-" when Freddy was about to ask Bon Bon about his current behaviour he hadn't noticed the figure still sitting up in front of him. The figure was just staring while tilting its head a little. Probably admiring the fact that there's a bunny hand puppet on his right hand. Or the fact that she's met this bear before...

"Uhh...he-hey!-" the figure then poked Freddy's nose seeing if it would squeak or not. Surprisingly it did. And that made the figure giggle. It was the exact same giggle as Freddy and Bon Bon heard before. "Umm...heh, well this is awkward..." Freddy's said while rubbing his arm slowly. Bon Bon was still a little stun when hearing the figure talk in a female tone. "Can you talk?" Freddy asked as he grinned at the figure while seeing If he could see the figure more clearly. When he got up at the same level as it's eyes he could see two pairs of light blue clear ocean eyes. He gasped as he recognised these eyes. It was her...

"It's you....Y/n?" The figure gasped as it pulled itself away from him getting up on its feet. Bon Bon looked at Freddy and then at the figure. "So...is this Y/n?" The figure then scurried away as it seemed like it was freaking out a bit. "No wait! Come back!" Freddy yelled out as he chased after the running figure.

"No! Leave me alone!" Freddy was shocked when hearing a voice of a female. 'A female?' Freddy quickly said to himself as he still chased after it. "Please! I won't hurt you I swear!" Bon Bon then barged in. "Yeah please don't run away! We just wanna be friends!" The figure then quickly jump up right up to the ceiling hiding away up there. "What the-Where did she go!?" Bon Bon then pointed up as he sadly frowned. "Look...we just got off on the wrong foot here....Umm. Hey! My names Funtime Freddy....and this is-" Bon Bon then introduced himself as he smiled with joy. "Bon Bon! I'm Freddy's bunny hand puppet! Nice to meet ya!" The figure then slowly came out peeking itself out of the darkness showing its light light pinkish face. Freddy and Bon Bon both grinned at the pink figure up in front of them.

"Hey! You actually look quite pretty!" Bon Bon Said out as he smiled. The figure blushed a bit as it jumped right down on the ground. "Bawn Bawn! Stop teasing our new Friend..." Freddy grinned as he snickered a little. "Umm...he-hey...my n-names. Funtime Y/n......I'm sure you already know...."

Bon Bon then gasped as he held on both his red cheeks. "What! So it is you! Oh My! It's the Birthday Girl!" The female then blushed again as she stood silently. Freddy could tell that she was shy. So he stopped Bon Bon from saying anything else. "Alright Bawn Bawn, That's Enough your making her blush" Freddy smiled as Bon Bon nodded his head. "Oh sorry heh...I just got a little carried away there for a moment" Bon Bon nervously played with his bunny paws as he chuckled.

"Uhh-Birthday Girl?" Freddy then smiled again as he nodded his head playfully. "Yeah! Well you don't need to be the Birthday Girl if you don't want to" the female then grinned as she stared at him. "Well...it is...actually my birthday today...heh, I just thought no one ever knew..." Bon Bon and Freddy both then gasp as that lit up there whole day. "Woah! What? Really?! It's your Birthday today?!" She nodded her head as she smiled nervously. "Y-Yes..." Freddy was now about to hug the female but was now hugging the air. He opened his eyes as he looked around for her. "What? Where did you go?" He then felt Bon Bon tap his cheek. Freddy glanced at him then at the back himself. She was there. With widen eyes, shaking arms and legs, and was obliviously confused and scared. "What's wrong?" The bear asked worriedly.

The female spoke nervously and shakily as she stayed put. "It's just...it's just, that I haven't seen anybody in years...and-and I haven't hugged anyone before either..."

Freddy gasped as he slowly walked towards her. "What?! No one? No ones ever hugged you before? Aww come'er you~" the female was hesitant for a moment there but when the bear hugged her body warmly she could also feel the bunny hugging the side of her head to. She started to form up little bits of tears and slowly hugged him back. "T-thank y-y-you...f-Freddy..."

"Your Welcome my dear~"

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