"Your My Valentine"❤️ [FredBear]

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"Hey! FredBear? Who's going to be your valentine?" You asked a little shyly as you walked beside him along with his other Bestest friend. SpringBonnie. "Yeah Fred" spring then said out as she always had that excitement flowing through her body. "Hmm, I don't know quite yet, but I'll know for sure when I see her" "Hmm and who shall it be?" You thought to yourself as you thought rapidly. 'Wait! But the only females here are only me, and SpringB...so who is it? Oh well We should all know he wouldn't choose me...So it's Springy!Perhaps...?'. You technically were talking to yourself but luckily with no one hearing you.

"Hey Y/n, you've been quiet for quite some time now. Is there something bothering you?" You then heard spring Bonnie ask you as she seemed a little worried. To you, she is like a sister, or your typical grown up friend to talk to. But at the moment you didn't want to talk to anyone...

"Umm-No, there's nothing bothering me at all Springy! Why do you ask?" You asked calmly. While sending shivers up your endoskeleton-spine. "Oh uh, it's just that..." springBonnie then stopped as she stared closely down at you while finding any sign of anything. But what was really showing, were your eyes. Your big adorable eyes. And by just staring up at her with them she instantly shook her head. "Nevermind!"

You were confused when seeing her walk away in such a hurry. "Where is she going?" You said as you lowered down your ears. Making a little pouty face. "Hm, maybe it was your incredibly cute eyes" you gasped in shock as you lowered your ears even more. "What!?" You said as you didn't make eye contact with the bear. "You heard me...you have really cute eyes" you then widen yours eyes as your mouth was a little gaped. You were truely speechless. You wanted to move or move away. But you couldn't.

Your body was stiff and still... but you were constantly breathing heavily as you felt a hand creep over to yours. "Uhh F-Fred?" The golden bear then looked down at you as he had a calming expression. "Hmm?" His voice was always so soothing when he acts so calm. "W-What are you doing?" "I'm holding your hand, what does it look like?" A blush then started to form around your face as it got a little hotter.

"W-Well Yeah...But why?" You asked as a slight tender grip held onto your hand. "Because your my valentine" if you had at least water in your mouth. You would've spat it out right at that exact moment. "W-What! Valentine? B-But I thought y-you liked Springy..." The bear nodded his head as he sighed. "Well of course I do, I love both of you's" he then smirked as he kissed your head in a gentle motion. You were now breathing calmly as your panting slowed down a little. "O-Oh... phew at least it wasn't the-" you were then interrupted by a slight pressure by the lip area. You widen your eyes when you saw the bear kissing you directly on the lips. But unfortunately it didn't last for long. "Mmm~ you taste good today, it almost taste like strawberry?" FredBear sounded a little confused but shrugged it off anyways.

"Heh yeah......." was all you ever said. You were now completely speechless no words coming out of your mouth. Just quiet squeals of joy and shock. "Uhhh...Y/n dearie are you ok?" You slowly nodded your head as you were silent. "Um ok, I think you need to rest for now..." you continued to nod your head as you were still silent.

"We'll be right back..."

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