"I Love You To..." [Freddy] (Grawolfquinn AU)

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"Hey There Y/n! What's up" you giggled when hearing a curtain someone speak out loudly but excitedly. "Heh. Hey there Golden Freddy...nothing much, hows you and Bonnie going along?" You then smirked while winking at him. He nervously blushed when playing with his paws. "Oh! Uhh-We're doing fine! But we're just good friends..." Goldie then sigh sadly when staring down to the ground. "Oh Goldie...I know how you feel...come here you silly bear" you then pulled the little golden bear into a warm embrace hugging him passionately and tightly. The little bear was laughing nervously when hesitating to hug you back.

"Heh...Hey! Y/n aren't ya like, FazeBear's Girlfriend or somethin?" You then laughed softly when shaking your head. "HAH! Good one you" you then started to ruffle his head as you snickered. "But aren't you's?" You then shook your head as you smiled Down at him. "Nah! We're more like brother and sister type of friends. Almost like you" you smirked as you placed one of your hands on your hip. The little golden bear smiled joyfully at you. "Oh what a horrible shame~ such a pretty and absolutely beautiful Gal like you! (that the foolish bear has not yet taken...")

You slightly blush as you tapped your foot to the ground. "Goldie..." But He kept on going. "Ohh~ i should tell Freddy all about this" you then blushed even more as you glared right into his soul. "No you are not!" The little bear then smirked. "Watch me" and then after that he started to run. "GOLDIE! Get back here!" "Haha! Nope! OH FREDDY!~" your eyes started to widen as you chased after the little brat. "Oh when I get my hands on you, you'll be so sorry!" The bear just smirked as he now started to float. "Heheh~ but first you'll need to try and catch me~" your sternness then became into frustration as you yelled his name. "THATS IT! Goldie your dead!" "Ain't I already dead...?" While Goldie was still floating quickly away from you.

He never noticed The brown bear behind him. "Goldie watch out!" You quickly say out as you sprinted even faster. "Nah-ah-ah~ ouFf-" you then face palm yourself as you started to slow down your pace. "Ugh... my head hurts...Oh! Hi there F-Freddy heh"

"Explain yourselves" you were trying your hardest to get out of what Freddy was going to do to you and Goldie. So you quietly tried to sneak out. "Y/n..." you then heard a grumpy sounding Bear behind you as you still continued to sneak away. "Oh crap....Hey! Fred-heh Yeah-Um, well it was good to see you now-Goodbye!" "Woah, woah, hold it right there young lady, where do you think your going?"

"Umm, where does it look like I'm going? Heh" you then turned yourself around now looking at the grumpy bear. "Very funny...now you two better behave yourselves, or else-""oh wait-HEY! Freddy, I have somethin to say to ya!" The grumpy bear then groan as he looked down to the little golden bear. "Ugh...What is it Golden Freddy?"

"Uhh well~ a curtain someone is in love~" the golden bear then started to smirk at you. You tried to keep in your composure as to not attract Freddy's attention. "Shut up Fred...." you mumbled under your breath as you glared at him. "What? Who?" Then Goldie pointed towards You as he smirked while doing so. "GOLDIE You little brat-" "Alright, Alright, calm down Y/n...." "yeah Y/n, 'Calm down'."

You glared ferociously while wanting to just pound his little adorable face. "And you. Be quiet" you then grinned evilly as you just watched in pleasure. "Now. Can me and Y/n talk...-" "Oh! Wha'Bout?-" "Alone..." you could hear Freddy's voice growl as he stared sternly at Goldie. "Aww! Your always no fun...Fredster" You were a little confused but you let it slide quickly. "Alright Y/n...Who is it?" You perked your head up as you were even more confused. "What?" "You know what I'm talking about...so...please tell me" you then gave him a nervous and worried look as you played with your paws. "Uhh Fred I'm being total honest, I have no idea what your talking about..."

Freddy then tensed his shoulders as he was about to say something else but then was interrupted by a slight weight pushed against him. "What the-Y/n?" "Shh~ you'll ruin the moment..." "ruin wh-Oh! Please Can you not?" "Aww Cmon I know you wanna~" you said as you hugged onto him even tighter while now looking up at him. "What? No, y/n let go!" Freddy let out a soft whine as he gently pushed at your head. But of course you didn't want to budge. "Nope! Cmon, Give me a Big'O'Bear Hug Freddy!" You then rested your head against his fluffy chest as you now started to purred softly.

"No..." "Aww... cmon Freddy Be Nice"

"Yeah maybe even kiss her, and make it even nicer~"

"STAY OUT OF THIS GOLDIE!!!" Both you and Freddy both yelled at him exactly at the same time.

"Ugh... oh Fine..." Freddy then started to embrace you tenderly while trying not to make it seem awkward. "There can you please let me go now" Freddy was still embracing you as he spoke. "Sure I guess that was enough" you then stopped hugging Freddy while waited for him to let go too. But surprisingly he didn't he tiredly dug his face into your neck while seemingly heating up. "Uhh Fred-" "Please...you'll ruin the moment..." you then grinned while kind of feeling annoyed but you didn't care.

"Ok, ok, ok. Freddy can I go now?" "No!" You were shocked when hearing the tone of his voice. "Please, I don't-I don't want you to go...yet..."

"Oh you silly bear...Fine I'll stay for one more hug and then that's it Alright?" The brown bear then nodded his head as he hugged you even tighter making you squeal a little from his excitement.

"Ok, Freddy I think your crushing my body..."

"Oh sorry...i didn't mean to-" the big bear was then interrupted by a small slight kiss on the cheek.

"It's ok I forgive you~ anyways see ya later Freddy!" You then said as you walked away. Leaving the bear alone.

"Heh, I Love You Too..."

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