"So...Does This Mean That You Two Are Together...Right?" [Funtime Freddy]

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You and Funtime were in the breakers room. Chatting about earlier ago.

"So... Y/n? If your a Funtime, how come we've never ever met before?" You silently grinned while thinking of something to say. So you calmly breathed in and softly puffed out. "Well...it's kind-of a very long story...but......that'll Umm-Be! Something to talk about some other time ok!" You quickly blurt out while glancing around. Not making any sort of eye contact towards the bear in front of you. Funtime Freddy looked confused and a little disappointed to not hear the backstory but he let it go as to not make you feel a little bad...

"Aww! Well...ok...whatever you say then" you then started to form a little frown while staring at him. "Aww...please don't say something like that...it makes me feel like...I'm doing something wrong" you then pouted while covering your mouth a little. Freddy had to think of something to say quickly or else he'd feel a bit guilty...

"P-Please Hey! Your doing nothing wrong my dear...I was just being a little confused as all....heh...but I'm so sorry for making you feel that way though" you nodded your head in acceptance as you sighed deeply. "Oh well...it's alright Freddy...I know you didn't really mean it like that anyways" you said while rubbing your arm in a gentle motion.

Bon Bon smiled while hoping off of Freddy quietly.

You and Freddy both didn't noticed Bon Bon being gone so you's kept on talking for a short period of time.


You heard a slight giggle coming from Freddy. So you looked at him confused while saying. "What's funny Freddy?" Funtime Freddy then stared at you a little confused as well. "What? I didn't say anything" you then answered back While still confused. "Are you sure? I'm quite curtain you were giggling" Freddy then started to scratch his head while staring at you. But when he scratched the top of his head he had noticed and realised his top hat was now missing. So he freaked out a little while patting and scrambling on his head with Hand.

"Oh my! Where'd my hat go?" And then he looked over to his other hand to look at Bon Bon. But...With widen eyes, he was staring at an empty 'NO'-hand with no bunny puppet in it. "OH MY GOD! Bon Bon's missing to!!!"

You were just watching as Freddy was panicking for his robot life. So you furrowed your brows while thinking cautiously. "Hmm...there's a missing hat, and a missing Bon Bon....hmm...what to do" you said to yourself while placing a finger under your chin and while still thinking. And on the other side of you was just a real panicky and worried bear. "What are we gonna do....! Bon's missing, my hats gone to!" You then quickly and frustratingly cover Freddy's mouth with your hand. Making him go real quiet now. "Fred...I can't think with you babbling over my thoughts..."

Freddy just stared at you while nodding his head in a quick motion. And also While slightly blushing to. "Good" You then took your hand away from Freddy's mouth and then sighed softly afterwards. "B-But What are we gonna do though?" You then quickly thought in your mind quite rapidly while closing your eyes. Funtime Freddy was still blushing with a light coloured red. He glanced down to his mouth then over to you. With quick hot breathing, and a warm feeling covering almost his whole body. He started to perk up a little grin while thinking about what happened a bit earlier ago.

And while you were thinking. You then heard another giggle. But it most sounded closer then you'd expect it to be. You then stared back at Freddy while now slowly glancing up top of his head. Bon Bon was there. Happy and joyful as you were to see him. You were also very quite confused to see him up there. "Oh my goodness! Bon!-Wait...Bon? How'd you get up there?" You asked confusedly while placing your hands on your hips. Funtime Freddy looked up and smiled joyfully while to. Seeing Bon Bon as well, but of course.....Confused to...

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