"Your just absolute Gold~" {GoldenFreddy}

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Echoed giggles were echoing throughout the halls of the old pizzeria. You weren't stunned or scared at all. You just giggled along with it.

"Hehehe~ Goldie! I know it's you" you placed your hands on your hips as you closed your eyes smugly. You then open one eye slightly as you smirked when hearing a little tiny groan come from in front of you. "Oh! Bother...sometimes I wish I knew your ways of not getting scared...my dear" you then laughed as you held your stomach in joy. "Oh darling! Just face it, you can never scare me. Nobody can" you said quite smugly as you now crossed your arms together. The golden bear looked at you while floating in mid air.

"Really? Nobody can?" You shook your head as your eyes were now closed. "Well then...don't mind if I do...THIS!" You then instantly widen your eyes open when feeling the bear tackling you down. You screamed from shock and surprise. "AHHHH!!! Golden Freddy! What are you-" you were now then interrupted by bursts of laughter. Coming from the bear tickling you rapidly. "HAH! I made you scream! I did scare you!" You were to busy laughing uncontrollably you tried to push golden away from you. But it was no use...

"Fred-FRED! Please, stop! It's to much!" From all the laughter and tears that you tried to hold back. Always interrupted you from speaking. "Heh~ not until you admit that I scared you~" you were now then a little serious when Looking at him. "What? No! Never!" You declared as you closed your eyes shut. "Oh. Oh well, suit yourself then~" he then now tickled your tickle spots with force. As he made you scream with laughter. "Pfff-AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Freddy-Please! No, stop it! I beg you!" You said through lots of tears and laughter.

Goldie then smirked when staring aggressively down at you. Watching as you squirm underneath Him. It brightened up a little void inside of him. Seeing you laugh and smile made him smile as well. "Freddy please!" You screamed one last time before giving in. "Admit it, admit that I scared you" you then nodded rapidly as your eyes were still closed. "Yes! Yes! I admit it! You scared me! Alright you scared me!" You said quickly as you widened your eyes up at him. "Hmm~ that's better, now, come'er you~" you were now pulled up into a Big'O' Golden Bear Hug. "Mmm~ Goldie? Why are you so warm?" You asked curiously as you grinned at him. The bear just kept on hugging you along with his small tail wagging excitedly.

"I'm just really happy....That I finally scared you~" your grin on your face then went down. As You sighed deeply as you patted him on the chest. "Yeah-Yeah... we get it....you did it..." you then smiled as you looked at his white glowing orbs that resembled for his eyes. (Since he doesn't actually have any...)

"Heh~ but this is a real special and rare moment. A rare special moment that I get to spend more time with you~" you were trying to resist his cuteness and affection for you So badly. You started to blush a deeper coloured red. Which was making you feel all woozy and paralysed. "Uhh...Y/n....darling? Are you ok?" Golden Freddy poked your side. Trying to see if you'd respond to it. Which you did. But it sounded a bit drunkenly. "Ohh~ Yeah! I'm fine as gold..." Goldie then smirked as he knew what to do right away. "Oh~ you adorable fool~" he then kissed you on the lips passionately as he now let go. You were now brighter than a pink rose flower petal glowing in the moonlights grace. "Oh my!"

"Hmm~ Your Just absolute Gold my dear absolute Gold~"

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