"I Love You To Fred-ster" [T-Freddy] part 2

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You were calming down a little from you and toy Freddy's argument back there...

'That lil-Ugh! How come I can't just rip his very very, adorable face-What! No...Ahh!" You were starting to lose your mind after what had happened. But you kept sane for now. 'I don't think I should go back...' you thought to yourself as you frowned a little. You still love your friends and would do anything for them if means necessary.

But right now you couldn't deal with things anymore. "Ok...I'll go back and apologise to Fred..."

You started to head yourself to the main room. And that's when you saw him. You felt nervous and what-not afraid to go and approach him. "Uhh.....h-hey F-Fred..." you started to walk towards him as you nervously smile. "Hm? Oh! Y/n darling! I thought you'd never come back" you were then tightly hugged by the warm hug of the bear that dashed towards you. "Umm Yeah. Your still not mad at me or anything...right?" You asked nervously while not hugging him back. "What? Of course not! Why would I ever stay mad at you? Your to precious to stay mad at" you were starting to feel suspicious of his actions and words.

"Ah right...anyways how ya feeling?" The bear then smiled as he started to wag his cottontail. "Oh absolutely brilliant! My dear why do you ask?" You then shook your head as you grinned. "Oh no reason" you were confused and happy at the same time. Only because he had forgotten all about the argument. "So how were you feeling my beautiful darling?" You blushed a bit as you tried to get out of the bears grip and embrace. "Um good, good...do you mind?" You said as you pointed to his arms that were wrapped around your waist... tightly...

The bear was quite confused when he saw you point down to his arms. He looked down at his arms and gasped softly when seeing that they were wrapped around your waist tightly. "Oh my apologies my dear!" You rubbed your waist up and down whilst trying to sooth it a little. "Heh quite a grip you had there Freddy...I don't think I can feel my waist anymore?" You said jokingly as you closed your eyes while now smiling. "Oh are you sure? I can help if you want-" you then stopped him from coming any closer. "Uhh Freddy! Please that's enough... I'm alright it's just a tiny bruise" you said as you referred to your waist that was crushed a little by his grip.

Freddy then started to give you a sad little pout as he didn't feel convinced. "Look...I can help...I can help by sooth the pain..."

You were now aching in slight pain as you rubbed your metal ribs in slow circles. "Ugh...Fine" you then gave yourself into the bears embrace while now sitting down on his lap. The bear only grinned lightly as he carefully started to brush his hand around the sore spot. You watched in silence as you felt a little dizzy. "F-Freddy? Can I tell you something...?" You asked nervously while forming a slight blush. "Yes? Y/n"

"Uhh well....I just wanted to say...sorry for disrespecting you back then..." The bear then slightly chuckle as he hugged onto your animatronic body warmly. "Heh. It's ok...I forgive you about all that. I shouldn't of been so hard on you like that anyways...Do you forgive 'Me' for that?" You thought deep in your mind as you sadly look down. You cautiously then stare up at him while slowly forming a grin. "S-Sure....sure I forgive you Freddy" you said as you leaned more bro Freddy's embrace. "W-What? Really? Wow...." you then chuckle as you looked at him a little weirdly. "Heh what? Why so surprised?"

The bear then smirked as he rested his chin down on your shoulder. "Oh nothing~" you then started to burst out laughing while kicking your feet. "PFF! F-Freddy! What the HECK!!" The bear just sat there chuckling to himself while tickling you with all might. "Oh I'm doing nothing my dear. Just making you laugh~"

You then started to try and move but you were still kept down by the bears tight grip. And somehow you were now turned around facing Freddy. And When you turned around to now Boop Freddy's nose with yours you immediately started to blush. Right now you couldn't move anything. You were stiff and still. While sitting on Freddy's lap.

"Ohh~ Good evening madam~" you knew he was just kidding around with ya. But something else felt a little strange with him. Ever since you came back he started to be all. 'Soft' with you. Like. Cuddling, helping you, making you laugh...

You could feel yourself falling for him...

Like...Literally you accidentally fell right on his chest blushing madly from it. The toy bear didn't mind at all he just chuckled in response. "Heh, Aww~ you want a hug?" You didn't say anything you were just quietly squealing from your sudden action. "Hm? Uhh Y/n? Y/n~" you started to blush when slightly looking up at him. "Uhh-S-Sorry..."

You were about to leave. But got pulled by the wrist firmly. "WHA!-Freddy! What are you-" you were now kissed on the lips/beak. By the toy bear...

"Heh I'm giving you a goodbye kiss silly~"

You then covered your mouth/beak with your hands while blushing a deep darken red. "W-Why..? Why did you do that...?" The bear just grinned at you while tilting his head. "Because I love you to much to ever let you go!" He said out while now hugging onto your body tightly and happily. You smiled nervously while hugging him back gently. "Ohh...heh, I love you too Fred-ster" "me too-Uhh!-I MEAN! I love you too...heh, Sorry..."

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