A Warm Fuzzy Night.....{Plushtrap}

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(Just a reminder...You'll be short for this plushy chapter).

"Hey Y/n!"

You rolled your eyes as you heard an annoying someone call out your name. "Ugh! What is it?" You then turned yourself around to look at the now Facing towards you green-ish yellow plushy bunny, A bit ripped up, along with bits of stitches. "I got the child!" You really weren't into killing little innocent weaklings as like children. But probably would kill the sinned and naughty ones.

"Oh that's good...eh-" you were about to leave to go find something else to do for a while. But got gently pulled back. "No please! Don't go" you then furrowed your brows while now sighing in annoyance. "Plushtrap...I have to go back into the room" while you were still talking the little plush couldn't help but give that one creepy but yet cute toothy smile. And so you felt a little strange when seeing him smile at you for no apparent reason. So you asked while feeling a little weirded out. "Uhh-Plush? Why are you looking at me like that?" He didn't say anything he just kept on smiling that little creepy smile. "What?" The little bunny plushy then seemed like he hadn't been paying any attention to you when he was smiling. So he stopped smiling and just stared at you confusedly. "Uhh..never mind!" You suddenly shook your head while now just staring back at him.

"Oh ok...anyways" You were now waiting patiently for him to say something else because really...

You didn't have anything else planned to do or something...So you just sat down while feeling the need to do so. "Plushtrap come sit with me" Said you while having a calm face. Plushtrap didn't hesitate to do so. So he just did what you had ordered. "Ok..." Plushtrap was now sitting next to you. With joy and happiness you always felt sane when being around the people you love and care for. "Hey Plushtrap? Can I tell you something...And please promise you won't feel grossed out or anything..." Plushtrap didn't say a word he just placed his hand on his chest referring to you that he promises. "Ok...Even though were like. Plushies and stuff, but umm-I kind-of have something to say to you...And it's something urgent"

Plushtrap then raised one brow in confusion but while trying to understand. "Ok what's the urgent news?" You then gulped down in fear while flapping your ears down. "Uhh...well um-" Plushtrap then scooted a little bit closer to you while sighing softly. But when he scooted closer to you. He could feel something a little odd. It was warmth? He never felt something so warm and so tender before. Since he lives in the dark. On a lonely chair...

And Is suppose to be one of the child's nightmares. But you thought of him otherwise...

"Uhh Y/n why are you so warm? I've never seen you like this before..." you then paused for moment there. You weren't expecting something like that come out of his mouth before. You thought intensely in your mind as to try and change the subject but kind-of failed at trying as always. "Um-What? No! I'm not warm no,nonono. I don't know what your talking about..." you then shifted away from him just little inches away. "Hey! Where are you going? I thought you wanted to tell me something urgent?" You then smiled weakly while shaking your head in a no response. "Uhh! You know what? I change my mind! Goodbye Plushtrap!" You said while lifting yourself up to go run out of the situation but of course you got roughly pulled back by the arm.

"Nuh-Uh-Uh! Your not going anywhere!" Your thoughts were now clouded your eyes were blinded with foggy tears. You didn't want to confess to him now. 'Not now...!' The only thing you said in your mind when getting bodied on the floor. "P-Plushtrap! What are you doing? Get off of me!" You tried to keep a serious face while fighting to get back up. But since you two were little demon nightmare plushies you's couldn't really make up a fight. "Trying to make you stop running! Now stay still" Plushtrap yelled at you while holding your down by the arms.

And also without realising that you two were in a weird position. Where Plushtrap was just hunched on top of you. And you just lying down underneath him. It was a cute position for the two of you's. Since both of you's are short and all...

It only took you like one second to realise what position you were in.

And it took Plushtrap almost like an entire eternity of realisations. "P-P-Plushtrap?" You stuttered while breathing quite heavily. Plushtrap just kept a serious face while staring down at you. Scanning your face and then down to your body. And Without knowing. He had started to form a huge dark red blush almost covering his entire face. It almost happened to you to but luckily you knew how to keep in your heat quite easily. "Umm....."

Was all Plushtrap had said. "Umm.....Is right. So now can you get off of me?" You said while lifting one brow up. Plushtrap then flapped his ears back while closing his eyes shut in embarrassment. "Ugh! I hope you'll forgive me for this!" You were confused as hell so then you said. "Forgive? Forgive you for wha-Mm!" You were then silenced by a kiss. A kiss that went deeper ever second. It went on for as long as the two of you's could hold it. But of course you's stopped just as to get more air. "T-T-There! I did it!" Plushtrap celebrated to himself while stuttering just a bit. You were just stunned and surprised. And also along with other new emotions flowing right through you. "P-Plushtrap....? Why would you d-do this...?" You said while holding your mouth with both hands.

Plushtrap just stayed silent while blushing madly with embarrassment.

So you tapped him on the chest while seeing if he would respond back. But he didn't.

And after a minute or more had passed. Plushtrap and you were now drifted to sleep. Still in the exact same position as before. You two slept peacefully on the floor while cuddling with each other.

But then a little child had came into frame with you two and just grinned at you's. "Aww don't worry here you go" the child said while placing a warm fuzzy blanket on the two of you's. And also along with s packet of chips...

(Don't ask where they came from there just there ok....;)

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