"Oh My Poor Bon Bon..." [Withered Bonnie]

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It has been a week or more since you've seen Bonnie.

He never usually shows himself around anymore. You would constantly feel bad about him though. Like. He and the others got deactivated and broke down. Dismantled and stuff. You. You were also dismantled and torn and broken...But you wouldn't feel like you were. You just try and feel like your old self again...

But of course that didn't workout as you wanted it to be So as time went on. You started to hear and see hallucinations around you. Making you go crazy and insane. But still they were just hallucinations. They weren't real...until one had actually touched and talked to you physically and sometimes mentally. It was a shadowy figure of Bonnie. Or should I say. Toy Bonnie. The new and improve Bonnie. You were quite annoyed and angry that they had to replace the old gang. With new and shiny versions of them. But since time and weeks had passed and you finally got to know them better. You and the others actually came to terms with them.

Even though you don't truely trust them quite fully. You just don't mind them being around or such.

"H-Hey F-f-Freddy! Ha-h-Have you s-sSeen Bonnie A-a-Anywhere?" You said while your voice glitched just a little bit. Freddy only shook his head while twitching a little. "N-nNo I haven't. M-maybe ask C-cChica" you nodded your head whilst heading to Chica. "Hey Chica H-have you s-Sseen Bonnie anywhere?" Chica nodded her head while pointing with her arm. Since she don't have any hands she only had to just point with her arms. Poor Chica...

"Yes. He's down over by the paper pals" Chica was probably the only one who doesn't have the Glitchy voice. Her and Foxy. Well apart from her loud staticky voice which you sometimes don't mind at all......And so you thanked Chica and left hers and Freddy's side just so you could see Bonnie. "Ok th-Thanks" You then headed to where Chica had informed you the location of Bonnie. And a gentle grin had bestowed Upon your face while seeing a giant purple bunny standing beside a party table. Just staring at the three paper pals.

And so Without thinking you immediately interrupted his quiet stare with extreme excitement. "Bonnie!" You yelled while popping up in front of him. But when you came to look up at him. You instantly gasp in shock. "B-bBonnie? What happened to your face.......?" You said with extreme concern and worry. "AAHhH!!! Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" The purple bunny shouted out from fright and fear. You quickly covered your ears while now rubbing them in soreness. "Oww...B-bBonnie not c-Cool..." the bunny didn't know what to do but stare. Since he doesn't have a face anymore. He was expressionless...

You took one more good look up at him. And frowned a sorrowful frown. You couldn't bear to see him like this. You had to admit you actually kind-of did miss his beautiful charming annoying face. Even though in the past he was always a little twerp to you. Especially you. You never knew the reason why though..."Please Y/n...don't look at me" You then raised your brows up while tilting your head to the side in confusion. "W-why? What's wWrong with MMe looking a-At you..." You asked while now frowning in sadness. Bonnie could see the sadness on your face when he said that. So then he tried to to something to cheer you up a bit. "H-Hey! Uhh...what do you call a face on fire?" You then rubbed your snout while staring up at him. "Uhh-I dunno what is it?" Bonnie then answered. "A face-Lit! Hah!" You were staring in total confusion but just to be nice you gave one tiny giggle just to show that you liked the terrible pun.

"Heh~ Oh bBonnie was that rReally necessary?" The bunny just nodded his head while seeming that he wanted you to be at least happy again. "Y-Yes...of course it was necessary. It's just I don't like seeing you all sad and stuff!" The bunny said while his ears immediately drop themselves down to his cheek part. Which weren't there anymore.

You felt flattered and happy to hear him say that about you. "Aww! You rReally mMean it" you couldn't see it but the bunny was slowly forming a dark shaded red of a blush which only formed around the areas that had parts of his face left. "Y-Yeah I-Uh. M-Mean it..." you then hugged onto him while closing your eyes in joy. The Big purple bunny couldn't hold you with two arms anymore. But with one arm. "Aww even though you don't have a face or an arm anymore. Your still the sweetest and cutest animatronic I know! Oh how I still love you!" You were surprised to hear that your voice didn't Glitch or stutter anymore.

"Woah! Did you hear that?" The bunny just shook his head whilst not saying anything. "I didn't stutter or glitch Woohoo!" Your joy and excitement shortly ended. Seeing that Bonnie didn't give any expression what so ever. It was sad that you couldn't see Bonnie smile anymore. So you couldn't do many things with him either. 'Oh my Poor Bon Bon...' you said in your mind while frowning again.

"Hey please don't be sad again...umm-" you then smiled A tiny bit whilst placing a finger on his non-actual-existing-lips. (so it was kinda in mid-air). And calmly hushed him. "Shhh...don't worry I'm Alright..." you had at least the guts to come up closer to him. Making both your chests touch each other. "Y-Y/n?" You then look up at him and gave him that one cute grin that you do when your happy. "Yes Bonnie?" The bunny just then immediately shake his head while covering his non-existing face. "N-Nothing!"

You then smiled again but this time it was a job well done smile. "HAH! Oh yYou Silly Bbunny..." The Glitching and stuttery voice of yours had now finally came back to you. At first you were annoyed as hell. But just got over it quickly. "Oh well um Wwanna go kill Tthe night Gguard?" You asked while hoping he would say yes. And surprisingly he did. "Eh why not right?" You then jumped up in the air in excitement while screaming just a little. "Yes! YES!" Bonnie was then taken aback from fright. "Oh Ssorry Bonnie didn't Mmean to scare Yya..." the Bonnie just scratched the back of his head while 'facing' downward to the ground.

"Ok cmon! Let's go get the night guard before Someone else gets him!" You said encouragingly while running. Bonnie didn't even try to run he just followed behind. "Ok. After this I'm gonna go have a nice slice of pizza"

"You can't eat anything remember!" Out of nowhere yelled out Foxy whilst charging towards the night guards office. "SHUT UP FOXY!"

You then giggled a little while watching him get angry. "Oh my Poor Bon Bon..." The bunny's ears then dropped again but this time in flattery. "Uhh ok..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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