"Care to join?" [Bonnie]

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"BONNIE! Freddy wants you back on stage now!" You were doing your never ending job... searching for Bonnie, your best pal and best person to relax with...

"Ugh! Just a few more minutes...I think my legs are broken...?" You rolled your eyes as you heard a curtain someone groan out. "Cmon Bon Bon... Freddy and Chica need you back there.." you said calmly while pointing back at stage. "Yeah I know. But they can wait-" "um no, it's almost morning, the pizzeria will soon open" and so then it was Bonnie's turn to roll his eyes at you while groaning out loud. "Fine! But I have one question to tell you..." you were about to leave when Bonnie finished saying what he was saying. "Huh? What?-Oh! Sure, what is it?" Bonnie then stood up on his feet. As always towering over you. "How come you never ever get to do anything around here?" You then sighed deeply as you closed your eyes.

"Bonnie...nows not the time! You have to go, Now!" You said whilst pushing from behind of him. "Aww! But why though? I have to always stay on that stupid stage all bloody day and night!" You then smirked as you chuckled. "Heh, i would like to take your place then..." you said sarcastically as you grinned up at him. He stopped as he thought of an idea. "Oh! Wait, you just gave me an idea! What if-" you then instantly interrupt him as you quickly say out. "NOPE!" Bonnie then continued to whine as he slumped his back onto you while you were pushing him to stage.

Making it harder for you...

"Bonnie! Get off of me! You need to go back!-" "Aww! But I don't wanna..." you then grumble as you wanted to shout. "But you gotta..." you mumbled under your breath as your arms started to hurt. Only Because of Bonnie's annoying weight... "Bon! You are so gonna drive me crazy if you keep doing this...!" You yelled as you were now flat on the ground because of the weight of Bonnie's body on you. "Relax N/n, not like Freddy's gonna kill us both if we're not there in time..." "you might not know, he could!" You purposely blur out as you felt stern.

"Aww Cmon, care to join me relax? Hot Buns~" you then started to blush while widening your eyes. "What-Excuse Me!?" Bonnie then quickly defend himself as he sweated a little. "No i mean like. Your actually starting to burn up a bit...it's comfy~" you then face planted yourself on the floor as you groaned out loud...

"Bonnie I swear sometimes, your just a troll..."

"Heh yeah I know..." Bonnie then said as he made himself comfortable on you. You were quite soft and frail...in some way... but you could handle a bit of heavy weight now and then. "Bonnie I swear...if you don't get off me sooner or later...I will personally smack you..." Bonnie smirked as he said out. "Ohh~ kinky~" you then started to shout as you twitched your eye. "OH MY GOODNESS! Freddy someone help! Bonnie..........please get off me" At the end you felt no hope that he would get off you so you asked him instead in utter defeat. "No" a simple word like that made you dead inside. So You just let it happen because you had nothing to do either way.

"Fine then...I'll join you...you annoying adorable rabbit"

The bunny then smirked as he gently pat you on the head. "Good girl~ what a very wise choice you had made my dear~"

You just rolled your eyes as you just let it happen.

"I hate you....but I still love you at the same time..." you mumble quietly as you rested your chin on your arms.

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