One Sick Night.... [Nighgmare-Bonnie]

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You were casually sneaking up as the norm. On the little child's bedroom door. But unfortunately for you the kid could hear your gentle but heavy breathing loud and clear from anywhere. "Nope!" Said the child as he quickly shut it close. You groaned as your ears flapped back. "Aww! Cmon little one just let me in~ I'm not gonna hurt ya, I swear" the kid obviously didn't believe you so he kept it nice and shut. Leaving you to wait. "Oh bother.....Fine! Then I'll leave..." you then stomped down the dark hallway with your ears still flapped down behind your head. "Oh jeez...why does that kid hate me..."

You Then heard a mysterious but yet familiar voice say out. "Ohh, But i don't hate ya Y/n" you started to smile a toothy grin when hearing that. "Oh why thank you, Bonnie" the Nightmare-ish Bunny smiled as well. Showing off all his sharp teeth. You weren't really like the other nightmares. You were more of the creepy-ish type of nightmare. A one that would make kids lock there doors. But you did have your moments of trying to be nice to the child. Like telling him little secrets now and then, and, whenever you get your way into the bedroom you never ever try to hurt him, all you truely wanted was to be friends again. Because all of you's are all just figments of his imagination. To him, you are one of his nightmares. Terrified of when he last saw you. But way back then. Back at Freddy FazeBear's Pizzeria. You two were great friends...

Until......the incident started...

You always tried to hold it back for many years. But you could never forget that one faithful night. That night you always regretted for so long...

But that was in the past now.

You were now calm, you had somewhat and somehow forgotten all about the past. You could only remain a few bits of memory back then but the rest were completely erased from your system.

(Back with you and Bonnie...)

"So then...he shut you out...again" nightmare Bonnie said while staring down at your ears which were hanging down. You nodded your head while sadly staring up at him. "Oh well, I can try and get him for you if you'd like...or-" you then quickly perk your head up while staring up at him in shock. "Oh no! Please don't hurt him...-" you blurted out without knowing you said that. Nightmare Bonnie just stared down at you for quite some time now. Didn't blink, didn't do anything. Just stood there staring.

"Why not?" You were then questioned by the big purple bunny. You didn't say out an explanation of why you didn't want him to hurt the young child. And also you just stood there in front of him Saying nothing, just staring...

"Y/ know FredBears orders...we have to get in that room to kil-" when Bonnie looked down at you he had noticed that your eyes had became bigger by the second. "Uhh what are you doing?" Your eyes then became puppy-like eyes. To Bonnie and maybe the others. You were a little to adorable to be a nightmare. But if the kid sees you as a monster Then you are a monster...only to the child's mind though.

"Please stop that. That's-its making me feel weird..." you didn't listen so you kept on making the adorable stare. "Ok! Fine I won't hurt him........I'll just let Chica do it instead-" you then hit Bonnie on the arm while now staring grumpily at him. "Bonnie!" The bunny then laughed nervously while rubbing the back of his head. "Just kidding! It was Just a little joke is all..." you then crossed your arms together while staring sternly up at him. "Hmp! That wasn't very funny Bon..."

"Oh ok...but cmon~ please Don't be mad..." you were then nudged by the head by the big purple-ish coloured blue bunny. "Bonnie stooop.........!"

You were technically pushing the bunny's head away from you while still staring sternly at him. The bunny then started to whine as he pushed himself forward towards you more. "Aww! But-Please!" You then interrupted. "NO!" You then used your demonic voice to scare him a little. But it didn't really work...

"Pretty please~"

You tried and tried but eventually got tired. "Oh sometimes I just wanna break your terrifying but adorable face off..." the bunny didn't feel conflicted by your words he just ignored them like usual.

"What the?-"

You and Bonnie both then heard the voice of a child coming from the bedroom door. Flashing his light down the dark dark hallway as normal. "WAAH!?-" you and Bonnie were both hugging each other without noticing and you two could see the look on the child's face when he shined the light at you's. You could see Devastation and horror when seeing you two.

"Oh well, this is going to be one sick night..."

Bonnie said while still hugging your body. You furrowed your brows while still staring at him. "Ugh...Bonnie please stop......."


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