Best Friend! But Yet Lover! [Freddy Fazbear]

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You were leaned up against your old pal. 'Freddy Fazbear' you two had been friends ever since...

And yet by this very day. You two get along very well. "Hey Fred? If your nose can squeak...then can mine?" You asked curiously while pointing to your big nose. Freddy always felt Annoyed whenever someone squeaks or at least attempts to squeak it. But every time you do it he never usually minds, only most times...if you do it countless times, surely he will get really annoyed and a bit frustrated with it...

Freddy just glanced at you while raising a brow. "Uhh...I dunno Y/n, try it. Maybe it does" you took Freddy's advice and squeezed it quite firmly but gently. You were now really shocked and surprised when hearing the 'squeak' noise come out of your nose. "Oh my Gosh! Freddy it does! And you know what that means?" You furrowed both your brows while glancing to Freddy. The bear blushed a bit. But kept in his composure. "Uhh...W-What is it Y/n?" You then hugged onto your best friend tightly while squealing out. "That means! I won't need to squeak your big cute squeaking nose anymore!"

You were quite the hypo-type for an animatronic... But Freddy and the others never seem to mind. Well except sometimes Foxy...

"M-My-Cute?! Nose?" You nodded your head while resting your chin on his shoulder Tenderly. "Yeah you silly bear! You've never noticed? Oh What a bummer!" The big brown bear just playfully rolled his eyes while grinning a bit nervously at you. "Heh oh yeah...what a bummer...anyways...may I?" You didn't know what was happening at the moment but when Freddy pointed to your nose you shook your head slightly while crossing your arms. "Nuh-Uh-Uh! I am terribly sorry Freddy but i cannot Let you do that" The bear then frowned when hearing you say that.

"What? Why?" You then smirked. "Because~ I don't want anyone to touch it. It is my own fabulous nose, to squeak and squeeze!" The bear then smirked himself while now crossing his arms as well. "Ohh~ is that so?" You then nodded your head while your eyes were closed and while grinning at him. "Yep! No one will touch it Not even you-Ahh!" You were then Jumpscared by Freddy while you were about to finish your sentence. "Ahh! No!NONONOO!!! Freddy!" You then jumped onto your feet while now running for your animatronic robot life. The loud pitter and patter of your stomping feet made it even easier for the bear to hunt you down.

"Ohh~ Y/n~ come out~ come out~" you were totally out of sprint. 'Oh jeez! I didn't know us animatronics can lose breath so quickly...? can we even breathe? We're not humans-' out of the blue. While you were thinking. Freddy instantly pop out of nowhere and again...
Jumpscare you! "AHAH! Found ya!" You screeched out a scream and ran once again. "Oh my god! Freddy! Stop chasing me! What's gotten into you!?"

You then turn your head back. Now seeing your old pal chasing after you with black eyes and with the only thing resembled as eyes. Were white looking pupils.

"Y/n~ DONT RUN AWAY! I just wanna squeak your nose is all!" You were calm for a second when you heard his calming voice again. But when you turned yourself around to look at him. Your ears instantly dropped. Mouth gapped a bit open. "F-Freddy..." you were completely face to face with the evil-ish looking brown bear that you use to know. "Yes my dear?" Said the bear while smirking at you. " this you...?" You then heard a laugh while shaking slightly. "Hahaha! Of course it's me! I'm your old pal. Freddy Fazbear!"

Right away you looked into his eyes. You two locked gazes for quite a while. Un-knowingly you didn't know how to truely react. Your right eye twitched a little when feeling the hot breath brush against your fur. "Hmm~ you smell delicious today Y/n dear~ what is that? Cherry? Or strawberry? Hmm~ or both?" You didn't want to respond to him. But quickly while he wasn't looking you dashed your way around him. But unfortunately for you.

You were swept into a tight hold. Kicking and squirming around. For like 10 to 15 minutes. You had to eventually stop....


You called yourself down. Took deep deep breaths and rested your head onto his chest while blushing and panting softly. "Are you done now?" You nodded your head while sighing in defeat. "Great! Now can I~?" You didn't say anything you just lifted your head up facing it up directly at Freddy. He didn't really get to where you were going with this. But when you closed your eyes shut. Made him even more confused. "Uhh...Y/n? What are you doing now...?" You then opened your eyes at him while gasping for the air. "Um! Well...uhh, can...squeak m-my nose...Freddy..." the bears eyes were then lit with joy and love when hearing you say that word.

"What?! Really? Oh boy!" You were now prepared for Freddy's hand to squeeze the living gears out of you. But you were surprised to feel that he didn't do anything. Your eyes were still closed so you didn't know what he was doing...

"Uhh? Freddy? Hello Freddy?-" you were then interrupted by a huge warm kiss smashed onto your lips. You widen your eyes while staring at the bear. "F-FazBe-Mm!" You were still interrupted by the bear deepening the kiss. Making it difficult to hold onto Freddy's arms to balance.

Eventually he stopped and took a good look at you. As of course. You were right there, with a huge deep red blush smothered all across your face, and hot breathing decreasing at the very moment... you were a complete mess.

But luckily for you. You got your first kiss. And it was by your actual best friend! And now yet lover!

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