Chapter 9

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The Intern power strides into a hi-tech modern building that seems to be entirely made of glass.

"Sir." The security nods at him and at the security detail following behind him.

He goes straight to a personal lift created originally by Sir Henry. Security wait at the door, allowing him to go inside alone. Chest puffed, using his signet ring he drives the lift shaft into action.

The lift is the only obvious access route to the deep underground. The Intern steps out into the private space on a steel mezzanine overlooking a giant warehouse. There are at least sixty rows of test tube babies. Feeding tubes run in and out of their skin, the babies growing in stasis, as if levitating within their glass cases. Electric monitors accompany each 'test tube', displaying vital signs. Men and women in blue medical scrubs busy themselves, scurrying between them like ants at work.

"An heir and a spare," The Intern says to himself out loud. "And then some."

He sniggers, looking out proudly at what he's achieved. From a glass control room opposite, someone notices his arrival and rushes towards the mezzanine.

"Hello sir, sorry we didn't expect you," Professor Patel pants. Maia Patel is the foremost expert in genetics and was poached some years back by Sir Henry for a "project that will define civilisation".

"How are our boys?"

"Miraculous, sir. Truly, miraculous. We've passed the longest time for a foetus and the latest batch have maybe a couple months left."

The Intern laughed. It was the ultimate wedding present. Of the oldest, some are kicking viciously against the glass and squeezing their hands into fists.

"Any casualties?"

"No, no. The new reinforced glass has worked excellently, sir."

"And their internal organs?"

"A few have burned up their hearts again and killed themselves. A very impatient lot."

Patel had tried 30 batches before, when Sir Henry regularly donated, but was onto the final semen and blood batch. The foetuses were overeating, pushing the boundaries of their new genetics. They were learning their limitations.

"Sir, we've enough blood for one final transfusion, preserving his DNA. And there's only one batch of semen left."

"Still - 10,000 babies, and only now you've mastered the process. I still can't believe he was made with just one effort."

"Only speculation sir, but the difference seems to be the host."

"We've found enough families to take them, almost all from the organisation. A couple will go far away from here without even your monitoring, Professor." The Intern changes the direction of the conversation.

"Makes sense, although I want all my babies to live good lives.."

"He will."

The plan was simple. They would be distributed globally to those loyal to the organisation who would raise them until they reached puberty or 12 years old age, whatever happened first. They'd have training and education before joining together under a display of light, unlocking Lohikaarme. Plans were left by Him: how he'd found the right combination of his DNA, as well as the natural electricity and rock from his world to awaken his spirit and spread him far and wide. Why have one of him, he thought, when he could be an army? The Order thought the call would only go to one Chosen One and had put all their effort into that. They had no idea what could be done.

"Sir, with your permission I'd like to test to see if a female baby would work better. Engineer it so that they aren't all boys."

The Intern shoots her an angry glance before composing himself.

"Thank you for the thought, Professor. But no, all boys please. Stick to His plan." He forces a smile and then returns to the lift, spirits raised by his impending success in raising the dead.

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