Chapter 41

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Thame slept with his wardrobe against his door. Although he'd sense an intruder even if he was asleep, it wouldn't hurt to slow them down. Luckily he slept with no interference and, rested, began planning his next move.

One week until the last of Paimona's notes comes up, his instinct telling him that his brother would be there. Until then he had The Intern to face and, according to a text from Andrea, Isabella's hastily arranged funeral.

He gets dressed, cleans his teeth and dashes out, heading to his bank where, in a lock box, he had put the me knife that had ended Lohikaarme. He didn't know if Paimona or The Intern planned an early attack and if his brother was alive as he felt, he would need it.

He retrieves the knife from his lockbox and as he puts it in his pocket, he stops. Andrea. He needs to see how she is and tell her about The Intern, explain that tragic night. Part of it was the build up of all the secrecy, pressure and death, the other was a reminder of the man he was before the darkness of the cave and that still-piercing white light. He'd been her close friend and he needed to step back up. At least, offer a friendly face.

It wasn't long since it happened and Andrea wouldn't have gone to work, he concluded. So he heads off to see her. On route he picks up some of her favourites, an emergency bag of feel good items like Candy Kittens, expensive chocolate and Diet Coke.

Andrea opens the door after a pause. She looks as if she's just struggled out of a giant pit. Seeing Thame, she immediately flings her arms around him and cries.

"Where the fuck have you been? I've been calling and texting."

"I'm sorry, I don't have a phone currently."

"Thame, I'm so sorry. It's Isabella."

"I know. That's why I'm here."

They both look at each other, their shared despair raw on their faces. Andrea starts a brew as Thame sits at her kitchen island watching her. "Where's the other half?"

"Food shopping. We're empty as we'd gone to the wedding."

"Oh, this stuff is for you." He hands over the bag. "Not nutritious but warming."

"So how do you know?"

"I was there."

Andrea spins around in surprise. "You were what now?"

"There. I'd gone to try to make her cancel the wedding." Andrea was shaking her head in little movements as if her programming had stuck.

"I saw her die, Andrea. I saw her fall."

Thame's reveal had knocked her for six. His words made her loss real again, and she internally crumbled. Somehow, in autopilot, she finished the teas and they sat on together on the couch.

"Say it again." Andrea says.

"There's lots I need to tell you and, well, it involves Isa."

"You didn't..." Andrea begins.

"God no!" Thame interrupts. "Well, not directly. Andrea, it wasn't suicide. It was murder."

Andrea's face pales, a wash of sadness, before a new, almost militant glare takes hold.



"What? He's nice."

"He's not and he isn't what you think. Did you know he was married before?"

"No." Andrea's face is now hardened and purposeful.

"I've known of him for five, six years or so. Back when you were with the monster, I changed. I inherited a history, a business, a power. He was known as The Intern, working under an old General and their boss, a big multinational conglomerate businessman who was our greatest competitor."

Thame wondered about how much he should reveal, but letting it all come out put her in more danger and may cloud the true facts. He killed Isabella and he must pay.

"Truth is, I killed his mentor in self-defence. Both of them tried to kill me and I saved myself. But I'd killed his father figures, his heroes, and since then he's hated me and vowed revenge."

"You've killed people?" Andrea pulls back.

"Yes. In self-defence. And my being there at the wedding must have triggered the worst in him. I didn't believe he really loved her; I assumed he was using her to get at me."

"I knew there was something off about him. And you. Leaving for so long." Andrea didn't drop his gaze. Her friend's death had burned away her meekness.

"He's killed since. So I've been told. I'm sorry. I didn't know how to stop it but Isabella was happy." Thame paused and Andrea squeezes his hand. "He was happy. I do believe that he loved her."

"If you hadn't been there, she'd be alive. Some sort of weird fucking game between the two of you means that she's dead?"

"I'm not playing a game. I haven't since this all began. But if I wasn't there," Thame chokes up but makes himself say it. "If I wasn't there or if I hadn't come home at all, I'm pretty sure she'd be alive."

Andrea slaps him. "That's for her. For your games and bullshit. That's also from me, to get your head back in the game. That piece of shit murdered our friend. If we're going to make this right, you need to stop your pity shit and fix up."

Thame takes a deep breath to settle his emotions. Andrea continues. "There wasn't a police investigation. Well, there was and they immediately deemed it suicide."

"They were bought."

"So your testimony won't work."

"No. If anything, they'll pin it on me."

"Funeral is Wednesday at St Marks. Where her parents are buried. Come. It's at 4pm."

"That's quick. Wheels of the business don't stop. Rich people make things happen, I suppose."

"Indeed Thame. Indeed."

"Okay, I'll be there. Maybe in the back, but I'll be there."

"And you're sure, we can't prove he did it?"

"No. But he did it. I saw him throw her."

"There's only one option. After the funeral, let's kill the fucker."

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