Chapter 48

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Thame watches them leave, besotted with Paimona's familiar friend. Her powerful stride and body language screams Sir Henry. His amulet was awake and his blood boiling. But how? So soon? Thame had a restless wretched night. Isabella flew through the air, Mbozi and The Intern stared him down, and this new player's eyes were burning a hole in his heart.

Scoping out the location had told him few things, but important insight all the same. Firstly, that Paimona is arrogant, not covering her bases. She thinks too highly of herself and her connection with us. The second was the realisation that his brother is alive, inhabiting a female form. I'll have to up my game. Lastly, he realised that his predictability and openness to be influenced was far too great. That wouldn't happen again.

Thame returns his car and heads to the location to stake out. He picks the same position and hides his clothes behind a disused grate. Just him, and the knife that destroyed Sir Henry. He sits there all day and waits for any sign or movement, but there's absolutely nothing. It's like he's in the middle of the desert, without a soul around. The sun moves into its final hour and a car's engine pierces the faraway city noise. It parks fifty metres away and out steps what to the untrained eye looked like mother and daughter. Paimona and the 'mystery' woman. Thame glances at his arm and sees the amulet pulsing.

The pair follow the same route. Paimona steps confidentially in her black power suit as if she'd come from the boardroom. Her hair however is loose, full, shiny and free. She's in her element, having waited millennia for this moment, a secret but deafening confirmation that she's queen of the world, superior to her boys. Ripley looks edgier, ready for a fight. Channelling Berlin in the Eighties, slender and in all black, she sports big boots, a bomber jacket and multi-purpose trousers. She's come to fight, clocks Thame.

Ryder looks up and around, pretending to check the coast was clear, allowing her to glance quickly at Thame perched on the roof. They enter and Thame traces them to the same place as yesterday. He waits for five minutes and notices there's still not another soul for miles. This was beastly business and Paimona wanted to keep her hand a secret.

Thame slips down from his perch and steps in front of the factory. He takes a deep breath, checks his watch and goes in. Slowly but surely he ascends the stairs, every footstep slapping concrete or crushing glass magnified by a thousand. His brother is up there, and as he gets closer his amulet burns and starts to vibrate. He tugs his sleeve down over it.

The pair are quiet in the room. Thame stops by an imposing set of blue double doors with frosted black lined glass and listens. Two heartbeats: no hidden surprises. He feels pain from the amulet. This is it. Thame strides through the door, arms pushing them forcibly open. Across the rubbish, rubble and dirt filled warehouse floor, Paimona and the woman, his brother, stand. Ignoring his amulet, which is pulsating through his body, he clenches his fists.

"My children, back together!" Paimona cries, standing ahead of Ryder who is behind the table. She lifts her arms up and out with a big smile. Thame tentatively walks forward and stops ten yards in front of her.

"How's the head?" Thame asks, reminding her of their last meeting. She smiles with pursed lips, hiding her disappointment at letting herself get into that situation.

"Healed. As you know, my Lord." His rejection of her hadn't though. It had never left her after when they were infants and he'd first shunned her. In their world, those who cared for the children after birth always were closer with the children than their blood parents. It's what kept the two species at peace.

Ryder sniffs Paimona's reaction.

"Not so much Lord now Ormr, but partner." Paimona retorts.


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