Chapter 39

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Thame approaches the base of the Sky Garden, passing disappointed tourists who've been turned away. He looks up at the building which seems to sway in the wind. Mask off, he shows his invitation which, to Thame's amazement, actually scans and gives him entry.

He's escorted inside and into a private lift, where he's left to his own devices as it ascends to the garden. Thame braces himself to force a show of bravado and physical power; it's necessary to demonstrate his position and command. There wasn't really a plan; simply arrive, make a big show and hope Jonas is trustworthy. How he might get others in the leadership team to accept him, he didn't know. He just knew he had to act and allow Ormr his moment to shine. Fingers crossed that Jonas will do the rest.

The lift slows and Thame puts on the Mask of Ormr.

"Oh, the irony. You ready for this?" Of course I am.

The bell of the lift rings and announces the Sky Garden. The door opens to security, who bow their heads before scanning his ticket. They step aside without a word. Thame frowns. It would have been hundreds of years since this mask was last seen, and it demanded a bigger reaction. Jonas' men.

The guests had already gathered in front of the massive glass eyelid that framed the city, looking south. Lights showed the progress of city planners down below; flat views from the air of architectural modern masterpieces. The slightly humid air makes it feel even busier than it is. Thame quietly shuffles around the back of the group and moves up within the foliage to take a good look at what was occuring. The top of the eyelid shape turns pink and Ramirez takes to a raised platform, constructed specifically for the party.

"Tonight, being here shows how far we've come and where we're going to." The crowd claps energetically. "Welcome everyone!"

The clapping continues. To the right of the stage were Jonas and Mirna, completing the power triangle now heading up the order. Thame thinks that their masks seemed more out of place here than they did in Italy, sitting awkwardly with their smart business wear. It'll be the last time they're needed.

"This has been our most successful year yet. In the five years since our great victory, we're now one of the most powerful organisations on the planet. Profits are up thirty percent, charitable foundation impact up almost three hundred percent. Peacetime is the best time for everyone." The crowds claps again, happy to be living without fear.

"Our annual report will show you our acquisitions, but from Mr Olsen and myself, we thank you for your hard work, dedication, good nature and friendship." More applause. The organisation was bigger than the party attendance suggested, but the two hundred or so inner circle present tonight were those in the know, the people who really drove the machine forward. Mirna nods at Ramirez as she steps away from the microphone, and steps up holding a bag to her side.

"Friends, enjoy tonight. For tomorrow, I'm sad to say, we will be back at war." Gasps are clearly audible and Jonas and Ramirez look at each in disbelief.

"It is not a war with our fallen enemy, it is within ourselves." She puts the bag down and takes out Mbozi's knife, mask intact around it. "You all know that Mbozi passed away. But it was done by one of our own." Mirna pauses waiting for the anticipation to build up.

"Done, in hate. For no reason except that this person wants to end our organisation. Sell our business. Stop our power and position in society." Mirna is goading the crowd into a panicked frenzy. She was always a brilliant public speaker; this sort of oration came naturally.

"This murderer wants to end all of this and, worst of all, kill everyone who disagrees! Your lives, our lives are in danger! Unless we work together, listen to one another and, as your leader, trust me to guide you through." Mutterings of fear were spreading around the group.

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