Chapter 44

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Getting ready was a struggle; thousands of years of experience grooming facial hair now totally useless. Ryder looked at herself in the mirror and wondered what the best route would be. She was wearing skinny jeans, a loose white low slung t-shirt and red smart casual blazer. She put on a few longer flowing chains, as well as some chunky silver rings and bracelets. But what about her feet? She'd never worns heels before but, after trying a pair on, loved the way they made her legs look. Trying to move in them however was another story. Best go for a flatter option right now, she thought, choosing an ankle boot. Everything was ready except her hair and face.

Looking down at the options left by Paimona, Ryder laughs. What the hell was this for again? She hadn't taken in Paimona's instructions and liked her natural look more anyway. So young and springy she thinks, prodding her new skin. She grabs a wallet and leaves the medical facility, heading to the West End. After a salon wash and dry, she decides on a look with a bit of an edge for tonight. After all, she wanted to make a statement. Stepping out of the salon, she has one side braided back while the rest of the hair sweeps over, sitting long over one shoulder.

Getting ready was necessary but alarmingly dull for Ryder, whose sex drive was in overtime. The feeling was different inside this fresh body, it was new and exciting. More importantly, she lusted for control and power. It was the start of a couple of nights of fun before Ormr occupied her mind again and she attempted the takeover. She lusted for her old standing, looking down on them, stronger and imperious. Ryder thought about how constricted by Paimona she'd been since she was brought back. Paimona had always worked for her, as the underclass, but had been left to run free for too long. She laments not finishing the job long ago when she was playing for the other team. Paimona had given her a new bank account, but none of it was her money. She hates it. She resolves to bide her time to see how the business has been reorganised via shares and wills. A job for tomorrow.

Stoking the fire burning inside her and her desire to enjoy power, feeling like a God again, Ryder heads out to Soho. Soho, an inclusive mix of gay and straight bars, offers Ryder the perfect playpen for the evening. She finds somewhere with an open front and props herself up at the bar. Her position is perfect. She's alone, available, and can see everyone who comes in and out.

"Hi." The barmaid says wiping the space in front of her. "What can I get you?"

"Whisky, straight."

"We've got..." the barmaid starts to offer before Ryder interrupts.

"The Macallan." She smiles. She likes this barmaid, who sports a tattoo sleeve of vines, hearts and other intricate details, half hidden by her t-shirt. The low v-neck shows her chest and shoulders, especially with her hair pulled back.

"Please." Ryder adds, widening her smile. As the barmaid prepares her drink, they start chatting.

"You been here before? Not sure I've seen you around."

"I haven't. In fact I'm new in town. First night, ever. Fancied a drink." Ryder shrugs. The game has begun.

"Well, welcome. Just to check, you do know this is a..." Before the barmaid can finish, Ryder nods.

"Good. And here's a shot on the house."

"Thanks. I'm Ryder."

"Hi Ryder. I'm Becky." They shake hands and Becky runs up the cost of the first drink. A stream of people come in. Ryder evaluates each one, a lion looking over a herd at the start of a hunt. The way the women were looking back at her was unsettling. She needs to learn how to react to them to turn this to her favour. As the bar fills up, she continues to talk with Becky, both flirting over the bar. Ryder looks for the most feminine of the groups and studies how they react to their partners or potential lovers. The exercise only stokes her fire even more. She has a new body and mind to please.

After a few more whiskys, Ryder notices Becky stealing glances at her.

"You okay, Ryder? By the looks of you, you could use one of these apps. Might help you find someone to introduce you to the city, have some fun. You might find it easier to date using an app too, I certainly do."

"Go on." Ryder's genuinely interested. After all, she'd never needed technology to facilitate before.

"Are you on anything?" Becky asks.

"Not yet."

"Oh god, come here." She takes her phone, asks her to unlock it and then downloads a couple for Ryder.

"It's really normal now. These are the best, and maybe this one more for, shall we say, light relief?" Becky smiles at Ryder. "You can see who's in the room, who might be available and who could be up for a night out. Now look gorgeous for me."

Becky points the camera at Ryder who broods into the screen, more in shock than anything else. She uploads it to the new profile and passes it back for Ryder who fills in the basic details.

"Ok, you do the rest. Show me when you're done." Becky smiles and gets back to the bar.

Ryder completes her description, making it overt what she was looking for. She forgets the club and gets lost in the app; all that untouched bounty and so easy. She starts swiping and messaging away,getting so many responses that she fears her battery will die from all the vibrating. So many people close in location to her, just a swipe away. She marvels at the ultimate tool for her new world.

"Christ. Okay, good description." Becky says after sneaking a look on her own phone at the opposite end of the bar. She finishes off her shift and heads back down to Ryder.

"Hey babe, enjoying your app?" Becky laughs. She was watching a newborn emerging. "I'm on a break. Jakob there will look after you. Want to pay up?"

Ryder smiles and tips heavily.

"Thanks babe." Becky heads to the back room for her break. Ryder watches her leave and appreciates her bum, tight with a pert wiggle in faded black denim. Her's gaze traces Becky's neck and shoulder line as she moves out of sight. There's an ache where Sir Henry used to be, then a tingle and a distinct change in sensitivity. Ryder's eyes narrow as she chooses her prey.

"I'll be back, Jakob. Save my space."

"Sure thing honey!"

Ryder slinks through the bar and goes through a staff-only door. She walks down a worn, dirty back corridor and finds the staff room.

She opens the door quickly and Becky jumps up.

"You swiped back at me." Ryder says as she closes the door and takes control. Without talking and never losing eye contact, she grips Becky's shoulders and pushes her against the wall. She slowly moves in and kisses her deeply, releasing almost six years of sexual desire. With one hand, she holds Becky to wall, just under her throat, and uses the other to undo her jeans. Her right hand is slightly constricting Becky's breathing, making her pant. The bartender is completely under her spell as Ryder's hand runs down her chest and into her jeans. She toys with Becky, playing her body with deep, even pacing and pressure. When she eventually allows her to finish, Becky almost keels over, while Ryder's whole body wants to explode. The heady combination of knowing she has the power to make somebody do exactly what she wants, and pure lust for Becky's body.

Ryder picks Becky up and throws her on the staff couch. She slowly toys with her prey, taking off her jean and knickers, pushing her down and pinning her with knees. Ryder begins to rock on top of Becky's mouth, controlling the pace to suit herself and using her hands to explore the rest of her body. Sex is so much better as a woman. It felt like her whole body climaxed rather than just the localised sensation she used to feel.

Exhaling, Ryder gets back, dresses and leaves Becky sleeping on the couch. There was an unlimited buffet of prey, and she had all the time to play with it. 

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