Chapter 14

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Light begins to penetrate Thame's prison per his daily routine as morning dawns. He is alert; bright from the acceptance of Ormr and the lives that came before him. Responsibility has gripped him, kicking him into management mode. He's no longer living just for him, but for those before and ahead of him. If he was to be the screen for Ormr to see life again, he had to make it the best damn movie he could.

The drugs that had fogged his vision have cleared and his strength is picking up alongside his spirits. He's hot, dehydrated and hungry but that could wait. He mustn't let the fog come back down. He must play ball.

His captor approaches. The same light footsteps and food smell swirled in his senses.

"Morning, my boy."

Thame channeled Ormr and let out a deep growl. He sensed something different about his captor for the first time, something of the beast.

"Ahh, that's better. Let me take a look at you."

Thame's pupils dilate and reform to Ormr as a large block is removed from his prison. He'd been in this state for years. The stench of the festered darkness spills ferociously out, desperate for escape. He looks at her for the first time through cupped hands, protecting his eyes from the fierce sunshine. Their gaze meets and matches in shape. Ormr, for once, is rattled from the shock.

"I know those eyes."

The Cult. Paimona, the same woman who had hunted him down when on holiday with Isabella before he was trapped. Tall, proud, unmistakably Italian, with ice blue eyes. As he shows defiance, her eyes change. Peering back at him are chillingly blue, thin, vertical cobra eyes from Ormr's world.

"Hello Ormr, finally. We've got some catching up to do."

"How did you...."

"There's plenty of time for that, especially now the human is not in play. I didn't expect it to take this long. Eat up, it isn't laced. I just needed a little help suppressing him so you could fully regain your place."

A banquet had been prepared for Thame to consume. He slowly takes the food and brings it towards him.

"When you're ready, you should be able to smash through. I've removed a couple of blocks. Come up to the house and we'll talk about your brother."

Thame lets out a roar at the sound of his name.

"Yes, yes. He is alive. Well, not like you but getting there. You need to get over it and work together. But eat the food and I'll see when you're ready."

She disappears from view and heads up to the house as Thame grabs some bread from the feast.

"Who is she?"

"In your world you'd call her my nanny."

"Your nanny?" Thame disbelievingly exclaims.

"She nursed my brother and I. Nowhere near as powerful physically, a lower breed. Still stronger than humans. They work for us. But cunning, disciplined and in love with us equally." The shock of another coming to this earth is clear in the pacing of his voice.

"And I'd predict that she's here to do what she always did." Ormr continues.

"Which is?"

"Stop us fighting, protect us both and preserve the line."

"He's dead."

"As dead as I. And she knows it. And if I remember, he's her favourite."

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