Chapter 19

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"Andrea, if you do one thing, take at least a year to plan a wedding." Isabella says, greeting her friend with a kiss and a hug as she enters her house.

"And hello to you too."

"Oh sorry lovely, I'm just getting a bit stressed about it. I'm having a bespoke dress made and the designer's gone AWOL."

"Right, first things first. Red, white or rosé?"

Isabella puts down her stuff, takes out her laptop and sits at Andrea's breakfast table as the wine is poured. With two cold rosés and a multi-tab excel planner open, the girls get to business.

"So what's done, and what are my orders?" asks Andrea.

"Flowers are booked."

Andrea slides in next to Isabella as she loads inspirational Pinterest boards.

"Local company to the venue. They do fashion shoots mostly."

"What about the venue? Will you need help dressing it?"

"Yes, we went for the self-dressed option. Apparently we have an army ready and waiting to help as part of the package, but you need to be my right-hand woman to get it pulled together. I may have bought a gazillion fairy lights."

"Rude not to."

"Exactly. It's a really cute place. We're staying onsite in the Old Mill, which is a converted penthouse suite at the top of this ancient mill. It's just ours, with a bedroom at the very top and a lounge underneath. The view is insane - all wheat fields and sunsets. Then there are old cottages for close friends and family, which I've reserved for you both. On the house of course, for services rendered."

"We can pay." Andrea interrupts.

"No need. It comes as part of the deal. We get married on that Saturday and the rooms are there from Thursday until Sunday."

"Jeez. Can you afford that?"

"One of the benefits of marrying a successful entrepreneur."

"OK, well I'm not going to complain about a free stay."

"Too right. He's being really sweet actually and quite involved. I'm surprised!"

"Now you wanted to talk favours."

"Yes, so this is where I need your help. I want to make these really personal to everyone, so do little photos of all the guests with one of us, maybe in a cute frame or something. With our wedding date on them."

"Aw, that could be quite sweet."

"Yeah, some pictures from uni might rear their head! I'll need help sourcing and then framing on the day before."

"I'm your girl, whatever you need."


"And don't worry, the morning is all planned. Bucks Fizz, fizz and more fizz is lined up. This morning I sent you a playlist so the tunes are just right too."

They go through other details, before Andrea tries to open the conversation she's been dreading having. Although the break-up was a while ago, there was still something there she couldn't quite put her finger on.

"I know you haven't, but I wanted to check - have you heard from Thame recently?"

"No. I blocked him on social as I just didn't want to see him. And he wouldn't message me, would he?"

"No, of course not. Sorry. I haven't heard from him in over six months and before then it didn't sound like him. I think something's wrong."

"From what I know, and this is mostly from you, he took a sabbatical and went travelling. He's probably in South America somewhere without phone reception, partying and having a whale of a time."

"I'm sure you're right." Andrea replies, not entirely convinced. She'd noticed a change in his messages, almost like she was exchanging texts with a bot or something.

"He can look after himself. He's a lot stronger than you think."

Andrea nodded in agreement. She felt that thing bubble up again, that itch she wanted to scratch at. It was a certain tone, an unrehearsed pitch to her voice whenever she raised Thame as a topic.

"You seem so happy. Wedding planning might be your new career."

"Not sure the word is happy!" Isabella chokes on her wine at the idea. "I actually love this, but it's easy when you love the person and can't wait to marry them."

Andrea rolls her eyes and mimics being sick.

"Oh shut up. Now, what do you think of these for the dance floor?"

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