Chapter 29

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Still dressed in almost two-day old clothes, hair increasingly greasy and eyes darkening, Thame sat and watched the medical research facility listed on Paimona's list. He walked around the two accessible sides and noted that there was only one official way in and it was heavily guarded. Four men at any one time. The other sides were too high to climb and the walls were so reinforced that an old fashioned charge wouldn't do much damage. He'd need more time to plan how to properly have a go at it. It had to wait until he got back.

He goes into the coffee shop opposite and orders a triple espresso, sitting at the window. The entrance was clearly visible. He could see the staff entry and exit as well as the security checks. The best way would be to swipe an ID, so Thame waited for the lunch rush to see how, upon his return, he could do it. Slowly the facility's workers came in. It was clearly the popular place to go outside of any internal canteen. Moreover, it was obviously a safe space to have a break as the workers grew noticeably louder the minute they got into the calm harbour of the cafe. He heard all types of gossip and complaints over pay; all the typical workplace stuff. However, just behind him sat two much more interesting characters. While they ate, they had notepads and a laptop out on the table.

"Look at these numbers." The laptop owner span round her machine. "They're all rejecting it. Again."

"Christ," said her male colleague, "Is that a 2.8 average?"

"Yes. As with our previous findings, if we don't get any improvement then, well, the final batch will die."

"Have you tried a different protein feed?"

"Of course. Three different ones so far. The bodies are just not stable. It's like they're physically unable to grow strong enough. Something is fighting against the goodness we're putting in. We can't figure out if it's the feed or something else. It's like the blood treats the body as a prison, instantly breaking free."

"How about a sedative?"

"Maybe, some sort of natural calmer? But we don't want to create addicts."

"How about making girls?"

A cheeky hush fell on the pair. It was clearly a taboo proposition. Still, the cafe was obviously not for management and Thame relaxed, knowing he was invisible to them.

"Well, yes. If only." The laptop owner replied, feeling emboldened by her agreement. She sounded more senior and still had her name badge on. Prof Patel. She continued in a more hushed tone.

"Apparently our great overlord financer outright blocked it. We thought of trying it anyway as he isn't here a lot, but he has spies all around."

"It's ridiculous. If this batch fails, when he's back he'll sack us all. Imagine the money he's spent."

They exchanged a look, grimaces showing their disgust at just how much the facility was costing.

"Let's hope for a long honeymoon."

The last word plays a chord inside of Thame so deeply it makes his stomach lurch.

The scientists dig into their sandwiches, putting away their books and the laptop.

"Have you got any more samples?

"If we transfused me entirely, we'd have enough blood for that and still semen for maybe 100 more successful test subjects."

"All not lost then?"

'No, but it'll be gone soon if we can't find a way."

Thame had heard enough. The facility could wait, Lohikaarme was his own worst enemy. But if they did manage to find a way, an army of bloodlines would be unstoppable. Thame heaves himself up and smiles at the laptop owner as he walks past her to leave. She'd left her bag open the whole time with her pass visible inside. There was no ID on it, just a blank door card. Next time, he'd wait in the cafe for such an opening, get a pass and go in to explore. But first he needed to check on his own bloodline. 

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