Chapter 18

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From the newly-made hole in his prison wall, Thame drinks in the gush of light fresh morning air, not yet stifled by the coming hot day. He presses his face as far as he can through the gap, taking deep slow breaths as if he'd never used his lungs before. His eyes quickly adjust to the new day's light flowing around, his first clear view for a year. Despite the drugs, he was strong from the diet provided to him. With a clear head and amulet in tow, Thame walks back and takes a run at the wall. The cave shakes, the existing narrow cracks opening ajar even more while the iron bolts come unfixed from the stone. Focussing on the weak point he's created, Thame runs again. Smash. The cracks now let in long, wide shards of light, the weak point growing bigger. One more run and the cracks combine in a tumble of rock and dust. He slithers out of the hole, now big enough to crouch down and shuffle through. From the darkness, a naked Thame emerges. He takes a deep breath and stretches his body out as tall as he can, as if trying to fill the infinity of space around him.

To the left of the cave a valley sweeps away to a far-off city and port, and to his right the mountains grow taller. Straight ahead, the only route for a naked man in these circumstances, is up a trail towards her house. Begrudgingly, Thame begins the ascent.

Passing Mediterranean vegetable vines and trees, the smell swims through with the space, creating a relaxing idyll. The house itself is modest, open, carved into the mountain itself. He passes a modern 4x4 and catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Dirt matted with sweat, hair across what seemed like all of his body: he was truly a beast, a wolf in the window.

Sensing only her for miles around, Thame enters the house in all his glory.

"There you are."


Her eyes change to a blue slither and her smile grows wide.

"My boy, welcome back to the world."

Thame growls and plays the role of Ormr, allowing him to run freely through his nervous system.

"My brother is alive?" Thame says almost as a low grumble. "I killed him. I saw the light drain out of him."

"Where there's life and our particular will to live, there are ways."

"I have questions. About you. How you are here..."

Paimona throws Thame a silk dressing gown. "Put that on. I don't need to see all that," she says with her strong Italian lilt. Offering him a seat, she begins to make some tea.

"I came through with you, but far off. I was there when you were both fighting and almost killed yourselves. I did not know what to do. My babies. I raised you both to be better than that."

"Why didn't you come right away?"

"Well, I was more shocked than you think and I'm not as strong as you. It took me a long while to adjust, to choose my existence. It wasn't until you both began warring that I felt you again. I got to you both too late - I watched you die Ormr, the first time. It broke my heart."

Ormr lowers his head at both the memory and her undisguised emotion.

"So I stayed back just to ensure you both didn't die. Your brother, wow, what an achievement. So strong and successful. To think I taught you both all you know." Paimona tailed off in her love for Lohikaarme, completely unaware that any of the love once shared between the twins when she raised them was gone.

"You, on the other hand, always more emotional. More complex." Paimona laughs to herself whilst topping up their mugs. Ormr stays silent, watching her.

"I joined that ridiculous following of yours to make sure you're safe. The people I pretended to be for you. The people I've killed for you." Paimona gets up and puts down some breakfast.

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