Chapter 15

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Two and a half years ago...

Andrea and Isabella are laughing as they approach two friends outside the train station.

"Hello my dears!" Andrea bellows, already a couple of cocktails deep.

"Darlings!" Tony replies, starting a chain of hugs and double-cheeked kisses.

"Looking fab, ladies. Where to?" Eddie, the other friend, checks his hair in the reflection of a car window.

"There's a nice bar around the corner. Decent Aprerol Spritzes." Isabella leads the way.

"Wouldn't want to come between a woman with Aperol Spritz on her mind." Andrea dryly retorts as the gang go off to the bar.

The bar is on a rough street with boarded-up shops slowly being prized back to life by young startup businesses and popup art installations.

"Where's Daniel tonight?" Tony asks Andrea.

"Oh, he sends his apologies but he's on nights again. He just started at that new Vet Hospital so he's still getting the crappy shifts."

"You're a free woman for the night. Let's go wild." Eddie says.

"And you, Isabella. On the town. Single. Ready to mingle?" Tony butts in.

"God, you two together!" Isabella jokes. "You never know. I may be swept off my feet."

"You not back on Bumble?" Andrea asks.

"Nah. Had a few dates but nothing mind blowing. Decided to give it a rest."

"Ooh, can I have a go when we get to the bar?" Andrea giggles.

"It's not Words with Friends!" Isabella protests.

"Of course not. Mind you, you did try that and it didn't quite work out." Andrea says before squeezing her lips together and making a cheeky face

"Ooh, zing! Andrea's on form tonight!" Tony laughs.

"Haa, ha." Used to her friend's teasing, Isabella can only summon weak sarcasm.

The group reach the bar and get their orders in.

"My round. What you having?" Tony asked.

"Aperol Spritz."

"Aperol Spritz."

"Aperol Spritz."

"How imaginative." Tony rolls his eyes and heads to the bar.

Andrea looks for a place to sit while Eddie hangs goes with Tony to help with the drinks. The place is half full, still gearing up for the busy time of the night.

Almost immediately, three men move towards Isabella and surround her. Like the weakest of the herd being left adrift, she's an easy target for the predatory men who swoop in.

"Hi, how are you?" One of the men asks, quite innocently.

"Good thanks. Nice to be out with friends, which hasn't happened in a while."

"Oh cool. You from around here?" Another man steps in.

The men begin to encroach Isabella's personal space a little.

"You look amazing. Having a good night?" One of them starts.

"Can I get you a drink, gorgeous?" Says another of them as they encircle her like Orcas on a hunt.

Isabella tightens up and gives Eddie a quick glance, pleading for help. Eddie catches her eye and moves away from his halfway house between her and the bar.

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