Chapter 46

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The wake was in a local pub near the church, clearly a locals' favourite. With an open beer garden at the back and a cozy entrance with plants growing up the front, even the sombre atmosphere couldn't dent its charm. Thame heads in first, ready to fight, but only the pub's regular staff were there. The Intern had gone big in the church so they'd all be worried about that by now. Thame ordered a round for him, Andrea, Daniel and a few extra, paying up front, and nips to the toilet while the pints are being pulled.

Alone in the room, he takes off his coat to see a now deep red shirt torn to shreds, exposing pink scars and dried blood where The Intern's men had tried to dice him up. The one wound still healing was the last plunge, but that would only take another hour or so to close over. One thing was for sure, he couldn't take off his coat. He scrubs his fingers and hands again before fixing his hair.

He sips on a Guinness as he waits for people to arrive, sitting at the window to check for any uninvited guests. Luckily Andrea and Daniel are first in. She sees Thame and runs up to him, hugging him tightly. As their eyes meet, her tears begin again, this time because of relief at life, not death.

"It's done. Justice served."

Andrea smiles at Thame and the resolve she'd held in her face softens.

"Daniel, drink for you both and anyone else. I got here first so kicked off."

"Thanks mate." Daniel says. He picks up the two spare pints and gives them to Eddie and Tony as they come in. They all have a drink and raise their glasses to Isabella. More people come in and mingle, and Thame suggests to Andrea that they go outside for a chat.

Once in the still deserted beer garden, she squeezes him hard and sobs quietly into his chest. "Sorry, sorry. Did you get evidence? Did he admit it?"

"No, I chose a more permanent solution."

"Good." Andrea nods firmly, taking it all in. She seems to be working out her involvement, wondering how much guilt she should carry.

"It looks like he was killed by his own men. very Shakespearean. I imagine they won't look harder into it. This is on me, Andrea. It always was and always will be."

"How is it like that?"

"I have other acquaintances who may be pleased at his removal, and I'm sure they will ensure this will never come up again. As long we keep quiet."

"Fine with me. I don't know how you did it but thank you. For her."

Thame forces a smile.

"Come in. Let's drink." Andrea nudges him towards the pub. "No airs and graces tonight. We're going to go big, just as she would have wanted."

"Ah, small problem." He undoes his coat to reveal his shirt and blood.

"My God! Are you alright?"

"Just scratched. I'm fine. I heal quickly."

"Good." She says, still confused. "If you're going now, are you sticking around? Will I see you? Carrying a secret together needs support."

"I hope so. There's one more thing. I love my parents and I want to protect them so I need a favour. If I'm not at yours next weekend to watch the game, ring this number. Her name is Anna and she has instructions for what to do next."

"What do you mean?

"Don't worry about the details, Anna will tell you if I'm not there." He hands over a small piece of paper.

"I have last thing to sort."

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