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groupie love - lana del rey

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groupie love - lana del rey

you want my...

i opened the door of the diner and sighed, dragging myself to the counter. i sat on a stool and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. i knew i looked worn and sad but i didn't care.

i hurt and nothing mattered anymore.

"what can i get for you darling?" the waitress asked sweetly. she held a wide smile on her face and it made me bitter. bitter that i wasn't as happy as her. "a coke please," i croaked.

she nods politely and i watch as she grabs a glass and fills it with ice then my desired soda. she places a silly straw in the glass then slides it to me. i give her a weak smile and slump down drinking the beverage.

i let the cold liquid slip down my throat and sigh looking around. i saw many people from my school and they were all with people. they all had someone.

after what happened today, i had nothing.

"why so down?" i hear a voice speak next to me. i turn to face them and feel
myself in awe. there sat a beautiful girl. long unnaturally colored hair, beautifully clear skin, and a unique style.

i felt myself grow self conscious as she stared into my eyes. have i seen her before?

"i am fine, thanks for asking." i say bitterly. i had no intent to be rude but it just came out that way. the mysterious person, however, had a wide grin plastered over their face.

"you look beat, let me buy you something. would you like a piece of cake?" they say sweetly, waving the waitress over. i laugh a little at the demanding and sweet gesture and clear my throat to speak.

"cherry pie please."

"coming right up!" the waitress smiles widely, walking away. i look over at the girl and study her closely. she looks so familiar.

"what's your name?" i ask, my curiosity taking over.

"billie. billie eilish." she smiles widely at me. i nod and think hardly. where have i heard that name before?

"and you?" she asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"i'm charlotte."


we talked the day away. i held onto every word that escaped her plump lips, never wanting this to end. of course, the day didn't start out ideal but, now i didn't care. i had forgotten about naomi and the only name that brought bliss to my ears was billie's.

of course, this could all just be me being needy. or maybe it's my teenage stupidity. or maybe... it's fate.

she was almost like an angel. appearing out of nowhere on one of my darkest days and bringing me joy. her laughter filled my ears and i smiled happily at her.

"i swear he looked just like an alien," she giggled causing me to smile. my smile soon faded when i noticed the sun was now setting. i frowned and she looked concerned.

her eyes followed mine outside the window and she looked down at her fingers. "the day surely does slip between ones fingers," she spoke sadly. i nodded and looked over at her curiously.

it began to grow silent.

"i have to get home but, i'll see you at school?" she asked hopefully. then i remember. she's in my english class. i probably never noticed because i also have that class with naomi.

and she's very distracting.

"of course." i smiled and watched as she payed and tipped the waitress then walked out of the door.

i smiled remembering her presence then quickly frowned as the door opened once more.

and in walked the last person i wanted to see.

cherry pie - billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now