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kinda outta luck - lana del rey

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kinda outta luck - lana del rey

i was born bad

billie had been acting weird ever since we got home. she was constantly pacing around and jumping up to anwser the phone when it rang.

i decided to let her be and joined finneas in the kitchen. he was drinking a beer and reading a newspaper. "hey," i smiled and joined him at the kitchen table.

"hello," he smiled looking up from the newspaper. a loud bang erupted from the living room and me and him averted our eyes in the direction.

billie had broken a vase.

"do you know why she's all jumpy antsy pants?" i asked him curiously. when we got home she told him about what happened so i was curious to know if she'd said anything to him.

anything that'd explain her outburst.

"no, she's probably just having a fit," he smiled reassuringly. i nodded and sat quietly.

what do i do in this situation?

"charlotte, let's go!" i heard billie yell from the living room. she began walking outside and i ran to catch up to her.

"where are we going?" i asked, panting, slipping my hand into hers. i looked down and saw her holding a gun and putting it in the back of her pants. my eyes grew wide.

"billie, what are you doin-"

"making sure rodger leaves you alone," she squeezed my hand tighter. i just nodded and walked with her, seeing the park come into view.

when we arrived, a few tough looking dudes walked up to us and greeted billie. i stood silently watching.

"and who is this?" a guy with colored hair asked looking at me. billie smiled and wrapped her arm around my waist. "this is my charlotte," she smiled, pecking me on the lips.

my charlotte

i blushed and hid in her embrace while she chatted with the boys. i listened intently trying to decipher their plans.

"we're just gonna scare him... shitless," billie laughed and so did the boys. i decided not to protest.

i don't know why.

maybe it was the gun sticking out of her underwear.

the boys all hid behind trees and billie hid behind a bench, instructing me to sit on it. "when rodger comes you just sit tight, alright?"

i nodded and put on my heart shaped glasses, anxiously waiting for everything to go down.


rodger spotted me while walking down the park pathway.

taking the bait.

the night was young and i could hear the faint sound of crickets chirping and dogs barking as the moon shone brightly.

"listen, i'm sorry, i shouldn't have done what i did," rodger apologized while taking a seat next to me.

"but, you're hurting nai and it isn't fair. just work this out."

work this out? as if my feelings are dust and because she she'd some tears i have to make up with her? act like things are normal?

"we all do things we aren't supposed to," i spoke coldly and smirked feeling billie's hand tap the small of my back. she came from her hiding and held the gun to rodger's head making him jump and scream.

his hands rose above his head and i laughed maniacally as the tough guys came from hiding all pointing weapons.

"apologize and leave my char alone. you, and that teary eyed bitch," billie said coldly.


"too slow!"

billie hit the back of his head with the gun, knocking him out.

oddly enough, it made me laugh.

cherry pie - billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now