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The prolonged silence of the night was broken by the faint clatter of hooves on the pavement as the obsidian black carriage screeched to a halt in front of the nineteenth century Parisian house. With the stop of momentum, Gellert Grindelwald stepped out onto the elegant street, breathing the scent of victory.

He beckoned his followers who heeded his command and entered what would be their temporary tidings.

After disposing of the muggles who previously were the owners of the place, Grindelwald sought out to embark on his plan of wizard domination.
                          ....{ }....

The streets were teeming with activity, it seemed as if all the people in the world were headed for one direction and she another but the massive amount of crowd kept dragging her backwards.
She grunted as she managed to shove her way across to the sidewalk and rolled her eyes in dismay, "At this rate, it'll take me a decade to just to reach the bloody place."

"Muggles..." She shook her head and waited for the crowd to dissipate.
The line of people seemed to go on like a neverending ocean.
She could just apparate there.
The girl revised the notion in her head.
No, it was far too dangerous and too perilous. At least at the moment.
She'd just have to wait it out, long it may take.
After about half an hour, the crowd began to thin down.
She took her opportunity and marched towards a narrow alleyway, glancing to her left and right. Satisfied that there was no-one around, she disappeared with a crack of air.

                            ....{ }....

Grindelwald sat dispairingly still and calm as though he had not just murdered a child and two muggles right where they stood.

"Rosier?" He called out to one of his acolytes.

A tall and slim figure with exquisitely sharp features appeared before him .

"Is Nager back yet?" He asked, his voice like velvet, seeming to withhold a thousand dark secrets.

"No not yet, he's still searching for Credence, I suppose." She replied, bowing her head as she spoke to him.

"I am going to go outside for a while." He announced, without sparing a look at her.

She finally dared to lift her head, her features were scrunched up in shock, "Outside? But, don't you think it's too dangerous? The whole wizarding world is on the lookout for you."

His eyes met hers in a cold and collective stare and his voice held the promise of malice, "I laugh in the face of danger and besides I am far more vicious than anything that comes my way. Have you forgotten that or shall I refresh your memory through a demonstration?"

She hesitated and shuffled backwards, his gaze piercing her body, "No."

Grindelwald smiled desolately as he stood up and walked towards her, "Tell Carrow she's in charge until I return."

Rosier gave a swift nod and backed out as he made his way past her.
                            ....{ }....

Theodora Tudor had an affinity for change but the one thing that was consistent in her life was her habit of getting into trouble.

As she was now.

Apparently, a couple of low-life, besotted muggles had seen her appear out of no where in the middle of the street. And she had guessed long ago that they weren't used to such formidable extremities.
There were three in total and all of them seemed the same.
They sported scruffy and ragged clothes, emanating a repugnant odor and were most certainly drunk.
"Look gentlemen, I don't know what you think you saw but I can assure you I'm not some ghost or a demon of hell, as you so poetically put." She cajoled to them.

"Oh look Ross, the demon bi*** can talk." One of them spurred, swaying where he stood.

"Let's cut off her tongue."
The one who she assumed was Ross, agreed with his associate.
"There's absolutely no need for that." She chuckled nervously. Her hand went to the pocket of her coat to feel the familiarity of her wand.

No, they're muggles- you can't use magic on them.

She argued with herself as she contemplated the notion in her head.

They've seen far too much already.

She looked at each of them by turn.
They were drunk and obnoxiously dull, she could outrun them easily.
But unfortunately, she did not have the time to execute that strategy as one of the haggard men came up behind her and gripped her arm. She could smell the stench of alcohol in his breath.
"You're coming with us, demon."
The very thought of him touching her skin made her recoil her arm in fury as she grabbed her wand, "How dare you-"

"Leave the lady alone, degenerates."

A voice boomed out through the night. She turned her head in the direction of the pristine tone and her gaze landed upon a lone figure, his face covered by shadows, the only part visible were his eyes; a mismatched combination of blue and black, they only added to his mysterious personna.

"Look, pal you don't know who the fu-" Ross began but was blasted off into a distant wall as a bolt of white light hit him square in the chest.

A wizard.

She moved away from the path of the second spell that hit the other two.
The witch turned her gaze curiously toward her mysterious companion,
"You're a wizard..."

She heard a deep chuckle,
"That is a perfectly sound analysis, Mademoiselle."

She started to walk toward him, her wand still clutched tightly at her side, "Do you have any idea what you've done? You just blasted three muggles off!! There's something called the International Statue of Secrecy! Any minute now, aurours could be upon us."

The dark figure seemed to be walking towards her now, the light from the streetlamps hitting different angles of his face. His pace was swift as a jaguar, as though he was walking towards a prey, "And here I thought you'd be grateful for my help."

She scoffed, "Grateful? If I had elected to just curse them, trust me, they'd have been long gone. They'd just seen me apparate and I for one, actually pertain to the laws, I couldn't risk disclosing that I was a witch!"

The figure stopped for a moment as if contemplating her, "You don't need to worry about disclosure, Cherie. They were drunk, hardly anyone's going to believe their tale."
Theodora stopped to consider that, perhaps he was right.

They were afterfall only a bunch of homeless, drunken excuses for men.

She cleared her throat, "Well I suppose you're right, but that was just luck by circumstance. It would have caused a scandal had anyone else seen us or rather- you." The figure chuckled once again and walked closer to her, "Well, I never really was a man to believe in the law."

He stopped just below the eminence of a lamp which revealed his face entirely.
She regarded him with a calculating stare, his white as snow skin, blonde hair, tall figure and those eyes.
One blue and the other dark brown.
That was the only part of him she could see before, those orbs that looked as though they could pierce a person's mind and made them spill every secret, every travesty, every single sin. His lips were pulled into a smirk as if he knew something that no-one else did. He carried himself with superior poise but still withheld a casual grace.
She knew that face. She'd seen it a hundred times on papers, magazines and  televisions.
She knew that face just as everyone else in the whole world.
She knew it because it was the face of one of the most dangerous dark wizards to walk the earth.
Her breath caught in her throat, "You-you're him."
She swallowed the taste of fear brimming in her throat and clutched her wand so tightly, that her knuckles turned white.
"You're Grindelwald."
His only reply was a smile, a hauntingly beautiful poem that had taken the form of his lips.
"That I am."

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