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The French Ministry of magic like its counterparts MACUSA and the British Ministry of Magic was divided into six departments encompassing tens of thousands of wizards working there. And among this vast array of people, Theodora had to look for a very specific individual. An individual whom about she didn't know the slightest detail. Grindelwald had just asked her to trust her instincts and look for anyone who seemed out-of-place or ambiguous.

Currently, the only person seeming out-of-place was her albeit she was with a former ministry official who knew how to blend in. Grindelwald had asked his acolytes for an associate to accompany Theodora on her first mission and Abernathy had eagerly volunteered. The dark wizard appeared to have been vexed for a moment but to perpetuate his indifferent facade he had agreed. The attractive witch had entered the ministry with an air of confidence but the moment she was inside the building, she began picking at her left palm a habit she had associated with every time she felt nervous.

Courage in the face of dilemma is the prerequisite of victory

She relayed the words of her father in her mind over and over each time she felt at the peak of agitation.

But denial of an impediment is the stepping stone of failure

Her mother's voice whispered in her ears like a distant wisp of a dying wind. She could always count on the two of them to give her legitimate advice and she had always lived by their words. Her heart still ached even after such a long time but she always believed that they were never truly gone and would always stand beside her in the face of adversity. She drew her mind back from the deep recesses of her bitter-sweet memories as she turned to her companion, "Who exactly are we supposed to be looking for?"

Abernathy flushed a light scarlet as he smiled at her excitedly, "We don't know of the specific individual. Grindelwald believes he is sent by Albus Dumbledore to lure Credence with the advantage of using the ongoing rumors of his bloodline."

Theodora grunted unsatisfactorily at the lack of legible information as she conveyed her obvious irritation. And out of nowhere, a dark-skinned richly dressed man with a feather adorning his hat appeared, he looked about conspicuously which gave him the ambiance of someone wanting to avoid attention. Trusting her instincts as Grindelwald had told her, she tore her way through the crowded room to follow the mysterious stranger.

"Theodora! Wh-where are you going?" Abernathy's shaken voice called out from behind her. She turned around as she gave him a charming smile, "I thought it would be systematically beneficial if we would go in separate directions. It'd help us cover more area."

Just as she had expected, Abernathy turned as pink as a puffskien's hair but she felt quite guilty to be using him.

"But Grindelwald's told me to-"

"Oh come on! Don't tell me you enjoy being ordered about by him! Besides, he told me to accomplish this mission by any means possible." She walked closer to him and accidentally brushed her hands against his. She hated the fact that she had to lead him on, but she had no choice; her lead was getting away. Abernathy stiffened his posture as he gulped nervously, "Al-alright fine. But, meet me here in exactly an hour."

She beamed at him and rushed towards the exit as her eyes traveled the mysterious man's retreating form. "Merde." She whispered as she ran towards the revolving doors. Just as Theodora moved a 100 metres she was stopped by a feminine voice calling out to her, "Mademoiselle? Puis-je vous aider?"

She smiled impatiently as she turned her head for a glimpse at her target but he had already left. She cursed mentally then turned to her present problem, "C'est bien. Je partais. Merci."

Theodora rushed past the confused woman as she bolted towards her one and only lead, hoping he hadn't apparated. But the streets outside were teeming with muggles and she found it highly unlikely that he would conduct such a feat. Spotting the familiar feather in the distance, she followed the infamous adornment as the individual made a turn towards the right. She trailed him cautiously because after every few minutes or so he turned around as if he were almost expecting someone to follow him.

The raven-haired witch avoided a close call that could potentially blow the entire mission as the hatted stranger slipped into an unnoticeable alleyway with only a few people occupying the area. Just as she was about to make the same turn, someone bumped into her from behind and she would have lost her balance had it not been her hand grabbing the lamp-post.

"Terribly sorry, madam. I didn't see you there." A light British voice fussed. His lilt was pacific though his words masked a recessive and timorous nature. Theodora turned around to face the stranger quickly so she could get back to the work-at-hand but the moment she met his eyes, her mouth dropped open in disbelief and astonishment.


Hey guys!

So another chapter! I finally got the time to write it and I am so glad to be finally publishing it!

Hope you all like it! Do leave a vote and a comment!

Thank you for the lovely responses on the previous chapter, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you all taking the time to read this story.


Hoping to publish the next chapter in this week as well

Till then,


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