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The three individuals landed right in the middle of the living room, Theodora quickly having quickly grabbed on to the nearest thing she could find to prevent herself from falling over due to motion sickness.

Merlin, she hated apparating.

Normally it would have been Gellert's arm she'd grab but currently it was the armrest of a velvet chair. Better, really. Since she was still slightly peeved at him.

"Bloody Hell!" A shout, followed by a low groan echoed around the room. As she turned around to the source she bore witness to the figure of a very aggravated Miss Mithrandir bouncing about the living room and cursing furiously under her breath.

"Who puts a chair in the middle of a living room?" She added heatedly, massaging her throbbing foot.

"Uh... everyone? That's the general idea of a chair, isn't it?" Theodora answered, earning a chuckle from Grindelwald.

"Are you alright, Sheen? Because I don't think you'll be able to pay me your full attention when you're hobbling about on one leg." Gellert added, in a somewhat amused manner.

"I'm fine." Sheen managed through gritted teeth as she sat down before the fireplace towards her right. Meanwhile, Theodora proceeded to take a seat on one of the singular pair of leather armchairs, putting one leg over the other as she leaned back in a rather regal manner, "So," she looked up at Grindelwald, smirking enthusiastically. The latter raised his brow in a peculiar manner, as though confused as to what the British witch was referring to or rather how she had dared to talk to him in such a casual manner. However, he then discretely remembered the spectacle she had put forth in the forest mere hours ago and decidedly let the aforementioned thought slide.

"I am afraid you're going to have to be a bit more elaborate with your sentences, Miss Tudor. I am not accustomed to the dialect people of your age associate themselves with." Gellert answered plaintively, his face hiding the ghost of an amused smile that threatened to break at the corners of his lips. He took the seat directly facing Theodora and watched as she scrunched up her face in utter bewilderment and eventually, indignation.

"What in Merlin is that supposed to mean?", she glowered at him, "people my age?"

The wizard shrugged indifferently, "Well, you never seem to be able to talk in full sentences, I merely assumed this was something the younger generation had taken a liking to in the current decade. This wasn't the norm in my time."

Theodora sat back appalled, casting a brief glance towards the second female in the room who seemed to be consumed by fits of silent laughter, "Are you calling me a child?"

The addressed gave out a look feigning surprise, "Actually-"

"NO! How-how old do you think I am?! bloody fifteen?? What in the bloody hell is "younger generation" supposed to mean?"

"What I meant was that you are obviously quite younger than me and sometimes your words and actions make absolutely no sense, my dear."

"Well, I'm under no obligation to make sense to you!", she fired back vehemently, "And I'm most certainly not a child, I'm a full grown witch and I know for a fact there isn't that much of a difference between our ages. So stop pretending as though you're twenty years older than me!"

Grindelwald let out an beguiling chuckle, "Calm down, Miss Tudor. Having a serene countenance is an important virtue. You'll understand when you're older."

The last sentence was uttered in nothing short of the most mocking way possible and Theodora Tudor was positively furious by the time Gellert Grindelwald has finished,

"I am twenty eight years old! I am not a child!"

The second female in the room had now clamped both her hands on top of her mouth in an attempt to prevent herself from laughing out; however this attempt was futile. Her laughter though was so infectious that eventually Theodora too burst out a grin. Her eyes wandered off towards Gellert's who caught her gaze in an instant and broke into a small, genuine smile. Unfortunately, all good moments were short-lived in Theodora's life; for as soon as it had appeared, Grindelwald's smile disappeared in a moment. He had transformed once more into the iron-fisted, headstrong, fearsome, calculating mastermind with a character that seemed to be forged from the toughest iron.

"That's enough. I believe we've had our share of hilarity but it is high time we get down to business."

Theodora sighed as she pushed back her hair and leaned forward, "Alright, let's get on with it. What mission have you assigned to me this time?"

Grindelwald laughed coldly, "This is not going to be a simple mission, Miss Tudor. This will require pinpoint precision and conviction; there can be absolutely no room for mistake."

Theodora rolled her eyes, "You would say that about just any other mission. What makes this one special?"

The dark wizard smirked. It was calculating, cruel, deplorable and spoke clear of villainy, which is why before he could speak the next sentence, she braced herself for the worst.

"Because this time my dear, we're going to break into the Ministry of Magic."

Hello Dear Readers!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'm terribly sorry for the late updates but I have Writer's Block. It gets really hard to formulate the events of a chapter sometimes.

Anyway, hope you all are doing well. Take care of yourself and your families. Let me know what you think of the chapter!

Till then,


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