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Theodora Tudor, for once in her life was speechless. She stared at the figure in front of her with extreme surprise and the individual matched her exact expression right down to the raise of the brow.

"Thea?" Newt muttered in a stupefied manner. She shook her head in disbelief and grabbing his hand, apparated to a secluded spot just a few feet away from their previous one.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She hissed at him wide-eyed. His vibrant blue eyes turned to face her as he cracked a small smile, "I could ask you the same question."

Theodora smacked him over the head to convey her unenthusiastic approach to his sardonic humor and pulled her features into a disgruntled expression. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"For conveying that now is not the time to be funny."

He scowled slightly, rubbing his hands along his scalp and letting his fingers tangle his already messed-up hair. "You could have just told me so." Theodora rolled her eyes and glanced towards the inn the dark-skinned individual had recently entered. However, she was soon distracted by Newt fussing over the little green creature that had tumbled out of his coat pocket and was currently refusing to go back in.

"Pickett please, you know I can't...yes, I realize but..." His attempts to correspond with the small being were going futile as the bowtruckle blew raspberries at him and jumped off to run towards the nearest tree.

"PICKETTE!" Newt chased after him only to be stopped by the raven-haired witch, who with an exasperated sigh, dragged the creature back into his pocket by a gentle swift of her hand. Newt gave her a small smile as he tapped his pocket once to indicate to the little greenling inside to stay put.

"Thank you, Theodora." She eyed him crossly at the use of her full name because she knew the only reason he used it was to irate her.

"Don't mention it, Newton." She smiled humorlessly in his direction and proceeded to check her watch; she had a little over fifteen minutes before Abernathy came looking for her. "Listen, I don't have much time. Tell me, why are you here?" She demanded. Newt's eyes trailed down to the floor as they very often did and he muttered faintly, "I was...looking for Tina."

"Tina?" Theodora repeated incredulously, "Tina Goldstein?"

He nodded once as he pushed back the bowtruckle's reemerging head back into his pocket. The creature groaned disapprovingly and slithered back inside the warm tresses of Newt's coat.

"What is she doing here?" She interrogated.

"She's on a mission here. MACUSA's vexed about Grindelwald's escape and they know he's trying to recruit Credence, so indubitably they sent one of their best aurors to investigate the situation and account for the damage." He relayed his words with immense admiration and carefully-hidden affection. But, Theodora had known him for a long time and she knew how Newt Scamander functioned well enough to realize that he was head-over-heels for the American witch. She smiled knowingly at her peculiar friend whilst shaking her head but immediately went back to the order of business as she realized the lack of time, "Why were you following that man?"

He seemed to be pulled-back from a distant dream as he cleared his throat and took a moment to gather himself. Theodora clicked her fingers in agitation, "Hey! Scamander! I don't have much time! Could you imagine your wide-ranging fantasies some other time?"

Newt sighed, "He is the last individual to be seen with Tina."

Theodora calculated all the possible factoids in her mind as she drew a conclusion and turned once again to face Newt, "Follow that man. Find out what he knows and deliver me the information. I'll find a way to contact you."

His features concocted in a confused stupor as he once again, almost sub-consciously pushed Pickett back into his pocket. "Alright? But-"

"No buts! I'll explain everything later, I promise." Theodora removed a silver chain adorning her neck and retrieved a single charm hanging from it. She handed it to Newt and put the chain back.

"Don't lose it, I'll use it to contact you." She relayed cautiously .

"Wait! Thea, this is- what even is happening? What am I supposed to do with this?" Newt held up the charm, wearing the same addled look on his face. Theodora glanced once again at her watch and cursed once again at the lack of time in this clearly difficult situation.

"Newt, I know this doesn't make sense. But, please. Trust me, okay?" She walked to him and put her hand on his shoulder, gripping it tightly as if to relay her situation.

His mouth still hung open in disbelief as he pocketed the silver charm and eyed Theodora as though she were a crazed maniac.

She sighed exasperatedly and backed away, "Just trust me. It may comfort you knowing that It's all Dumbledore's plan."

And with those final words, she disappeared with a crack of the air leaving behind only disturbed raucous winds and an even more bewildered Newt Scamander.

Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter! This was a really fun one to write and I really do hope you all like it!

Thank you for the responses on the previous chapter . So please leave a vote and a comment on this one too!

Till then,


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