114 Too Heavy-Handed

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Leng Jin Yu glanced at the corridorbehind him but, naturally, he couldn't go and ask Jinde now. Hefirst had to deal with the two dragons in front of him. "Alright,I know now. Thank you for your effort and please also convey mythanks to Senior Xin Lan. This information is very valuable to us."He cupped his fists and bowed slightly, hoping that the two would getthe hint and leave.

Fu Heng nodded and turned to hispartner to see if he wanted to go. Fu Min didn't seem like itthough. He couldn't help but take a closer look at Leng Jin Yu.Even though this person seemed calm at first glance, his brows weredrawn together slightly and he obviously avoided looking at them.Huh. Why was he worrying so much?

"His Majesty is still with theSon of Heaven."

Leng Jin Yu glanced at the blonddragon in front of him and nodded. "I see."

"So ..." He glanced at FuHeng, urging him to provide him with an idea. Something was obviouslyfishy here.

Fu Heng met his partner's gaze andunderstood instantly. They had spent so many years together and hehad paid a lot of attention to him so he didn't have trouble toguess what he wanted.

He turned back to Leng Jin Yu."Senior Xin Lan only told us to inform you but considering thatHis Majesty and the Son of Heaven aren't here at the moment, thismight be a good opportunity to act. So what should we do?"

Leng Jin Yu lowered his hands. Whywouldn't those two leave? "I —"

"How about inviting us in?"Fu Min smiled brightly and motioned down the corridor.

Leng Jin Yu gritted his teeth.Seriously? Why was this happening now of all times? Hadn't he justpromised Jinde that he would be back soon? Well, he could hardly tellthem to go outright.

He cleared his throat and pretendednot to have heard Fu Min. "I don't think it would be wise toact. Qiguan Cheng Da was pulled into this because of the crownprince's trial and he is human. It is neither our duty nor do wehave the right to do anything to him. That would be the task of thehumans or, more precisely, the Yun Zou Sect."

"The Yun Zou Sect doesn'tknow though."

Leng Jin Yu nodded. "Then I'llfind a way to let them know. Other than that we shouldn't interferewith this though."

"Mn." Fu Heng glanced atFu Min to see if he still wanted more time.

"Then ... Will you also keep aneye on him?"

Leng Jin Yu suppressed a sigh. Wereall dragons this talkative? Or had such a bad sense of timing?Longjun had also managed to interrupt him and Jinde just when theyhad been getting closer.

He forced himself to smile."Certainly."

"Ah, that's good then."Fu Min smiled back at him and nudged his husband.

"Mn, yes. If there is anythingwe can do ..."

"Thank you for the offer but Idon't think that will be necessary. I am already in the Yun ZouSect, after all, and am regarded as a disciple. Me being here andhaving an eye on him won't be suspicious. If you got involvedthough ..."

Fu Min smiled even more brightly."Don't worry about that! We could just glamor ourappearances." He turned to his husband. "How about you beHis Majesty and I'll be His Highness? People probably wouldn'tnotice the difference."

Fu Heng stared at his partner. Noone would notice the difference? So in Fu Min's mind, he wasactually as strange as His Majesty?

Leng Jin Yu's lips also twitched.Even if those two changed their appearances, he doubted that it wouldwork out. At least not in that constellation. Considering what he hadseen just in the short time since meeting them the red-haired dragonwould probably fit Zhong Jing Yi's quieter temperament better whilethe other one ... Well, he wasn't as strange as Longjun but stillquirky enough to imitate him at least for a while.

Leng Jin Yu cleared his throatagain. "Really, that shouldn't be necessary. Furthermore,Grandmaster Zhangsun and Sect Master Yuchi know that Longjun andZhong Jing Yi are out."

Fu Min pursed his lips. This guy wassuch a tough nut to crack! Just what was going on here? "Uh ...How about —"

"Jin Yu!" From inside thehouse, a whiny voice sounded. "What are you doing out there thislong? Didn't you promise you'd be back in a minute? It's beenso long already ..."

Leng Jin Yu's ears reddened and hegulped. Ah, Jinde ... He should have expected this, shouldn't he?He smiled wryly at the two dragons in front of him who were lookingback at him with blank expressions. They certainly hadn't expectedthis!

Jinde wasn't even finished though.After lamenting for a moment, his approach got a little moreforceful. "What kind of husband are you? It's only the firstday after our wedding and you're letting me wait this long! Comeback here already! Or do you want me to get out of here and put myclothes back on?!"

Fu Heng wordlessly turned around,grabbed Fu Min's arm and pulled him out of the house, closing thedoor behind them. Ah, as a newly-wedded man himself, he definitelydidn't want to be the reason another man got into trouble with hispartner.

Inside the house, Leng Jin Yufacepalmed. Alright, it was his own fault for not being able to drivethose two off fast enough. But had Jinde really needed to be thisheavy-handed? Half of that should have sufficed. Well, that wasn'timportant now.

He went back to Jinde's room,picking up a chair on the way.

Hearing his husband approach, Jindehappily sat up in the tub, slipping to the side to make room for him."Finally! I thought you'd ..." He stopped when he saw thechair in his lover's hand. "Uh ... Jin Yu, my dear, what isthat thing for?"

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