115 If You'd Let Me Take a Look ...

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While trouble was approaching forJinde, Jing Yi was also having trouble with his situation. He staredat Qiu Ling's face, cursing his previous self inwardly for neverlooking at Tian's face or inquiring more about him. How was hesupposed to judge this without knowing more about the situation?

Qiu Ling quietly requited hisbeloved's gaze. He felt that Jing Yi was struggling but there wasnothing he could do for the moment. He had already provided so manyclues. Now it was up to Jing Yi to draw his conclusions and ask formore. Thus he just waited.

Jing Yi looked at the pond next tothem, his thoughts in disarray. He knew that something was wrong,that something didn't fit but he couldn't make any sense out ofthis.

He turned to Qiu Ling and opened hismouth to speak up but in the end, he didn't know what to say. Hecouldn't just ask him if he knew about Tian, could he? Or maybe ...

Jing Yi looked up again, meeting QiuLing's dark gaze. "Qiu Ling ..."


"Have you ... ever heard aboutsomeone called 'Tian'?"

Qiu Ling gazed at his beloved, hislips almost curving into a smile. So he finally dared to bring himup, huh? Well, that was good.

Jing Yi held his breath. Why wasn'tQiu Ling saying anything? Could it be that he didn't know him? Orcould it be that he did and that their relationship was bad? In thatcase ... Wouldn't this trouble their own relationship even more?

His heart throbbed at the thought.If he was honest with himself, then Qiu Ling still meant a lot tohim. He didn't want to lose him. And somehow he had still hopedthat they could see each other every now and then even if he went tothe demon realm with Tian. If that wasn't possible ... He wouldreally miss him.

Qiu Ling finally sighed. "Tian,it is? Of course, I've heard of him. Jing He is a trueborn god,after all, and that story is pretty popular among them. He told meabout it when we ... could be considered friends, I guess?"

"A story?" Jing Yi blinkedin confusion. What did Qiu Ling mean? Could it be ... Had his pastlife been so long ago that even Qiu Ling and his Jing He had onlyheard of the things from back then in stories? Had his Tian becomethat important that people actually still talked about him? Thenmaybe the Jing He that Qiu Ling had fallen in love with had likedthat story because he shared the same name with Tian's lover. Maybehe had even been given that name because of him.

That might explain things. What hehad thought of as coincidences weren't coincidences at all. Theywould all have to do with the fact that this Jing He and that werelinked through their names. Well, their names and maybe even theirheritage. They might very well be related.

Qiu Ling motioned to the sky."According to Jing He, Tian is Heaven, the one who stands abovethe immortal races. It's said he had a lover called Xing who wasfrom the gods."

"Xing?" Jing Yi frowned.How could this be? His name had clearly been Jing He in that life!

His heart throbbed once again and hecouldn't help but reach up and rub the spot.

Qiu Ling frowned. "Does ithurt?" He leaned down to Jing Yi and gently grabbed hisshoulders while peering into his face to search for any sign ofdiscomfort.

Jing Yi indeed didn't look toowell. He seemed a little pale and his eyes were widened as if he wasspooked.

Qiu Ling rubbed his cheek and hisown head drooped. "I'm sorry. It's my fault."

"Ah?" Jing Yi looked upand shook his head. "No. What are you even talking about? I ...It doesn't hurt. I just ... I was in thoughts and —"

"Leng Jin Yu —" Qiu Lingglanced at the sky and cleared his throat. "Uh, that seniormartial brother Yu Jin told me that there might be some problem withyour soul."

"Huh?" Jing Yi wasstartled. "Senior martial brother Yu? Why would he say somethinglike that?"

Qiu Ling's gaze flitted about. Ah,he couldn't say anything wrong now! He had already blurted out hisfather's real name just now without thinking. If he said anythingsuspicious now, then he might as well tell Jing Yi the whole storyand hope that he would understand it and believe him.

Mn ... He considered doing exactlythat but finally still decided against it. No, it was too risky. Hehad to take a look at Jing He's soul at least before he tried that.

"Well, you remember that hewanted to talk to us? Before you left for the mission?"

"Ah, right. But wasn't thatabout —" Us? He didn't dare to finish his sentence and justglanced away.

Qiu Ling murmured an agreement."Yes. Uh, the thing is ... this likely happened while you werein the secret realm and it could make some trouble in the future soit would be better if someone took a look at it."

"And ... that someone should beyou?"

Qiu Ling nodded. "Mn. You don'tknow but the dragons are naturally talented in regards to soulsbecause ... Well, it's a natural talent." He hurriedly lookedto the side so he wouldn't give himself away. Not even the realJing He in the Nine Heavens knew that he had bound his soul to him.That was something he wanted him to find out under more favorablecircumstances. Mn, some time when it was really romantic ...

Jing Yi looked at Qiu Ling and hislips curved up in a smile. He had that look again. The one that saidhe was imagining some weird things again. "Qiu Ling. What aboutmy soul now?"

Qiu Ling's eyelids fluttered andhe resurfaced from his thoughts. "Uh, right, your soul. Well, Icould take a look if you'd let me. Just to ... make sure everythingis alright."


Qiu Ling blinked. "Really? But... we're not a couple anymore. Are you sure you ..."

Jing Yi continued to smile. "Wemight not be a couple anymore but you're still the person I trustthe most." His lips curved up a little further. "Well,after my mother maybe."

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