Qiu Ling tightened his grasp on JingYi until their bodies seemed to stick together.
Jing Yi could feel Qiu Ling'sheartbeat at his back. It was steady but faster than normal.Regardless of what he said this embrace was obviously agitating him.But who was he to judge? His own heart raced. The warmth transmittedfrom Qiu Ling's body made him sweat and he couldn't help butincline his head toward him, hoping to get a glimpse at his face.
His wish got fulfilled. Qiu Lingleaned forward, his cheek touching Jing Yi's while his eyes closed.He seemed concentrated as if there was nothing in this world thatcould distract him. One of his arms snaked around Jing Yi's waistand secured him in place while his other hand came to rest on hischest.
Jing Yi took a trembling breath. QiuLing's hand seemed heavy as if he could already feel the impact itmight have on his soul. Or maybe it was his heart that would beimpacted. He didn't know for sure.
"Try to relax. I know it'snot that simple but ... that will make this easier."
"Alright." Jing Yi bit hislower lip. Why did he sound so breathless? It wasn't like Qiu Linghad never hugged him before. There was no reason to feel like this.
"You ... If you're feelinguncomfortable like this —"
"No. It's ... alright."Jing Yi looked away when he repeated his previous words. What was hedoing here? How could this be alright? Qiu Ling and he, they werestuck together like this even though they had officially broken up.This couldn't be a good idea!
"If you want to sit differently..." Qiu Ling's eyes opened slightly and his grab on Jing Yiunwittingly tightened. Ah, he had said he'd wait but being thisclose just made him realize how much he craved his touch. Whycouldn't they forget about this stupid thing with Tian and —
Ah, wait, that wasn't importantnow. He first had to check Jing He's soul.
Qiu Ling cleared his throat."Alright, if you don't mind it, then I'll start now. I'llbe as careful as possible. If it hurts ... Just grab my hand andsqueeze, alright? Or maybe bite me if it helps or —"
"It's alright." Jing Yipatted the hand on his waist, leaned his head back onto Qiu Ling'sshoulder and also closed his eyes.
This had to be done. There reallywasn't any reason to act so coyly. He should just let Qiu Ling dowhat he intended to do. After all, it was true what he had saidbefore: He did trust him. Actually, he trusted him just as much as hetrusted his mother. In his heart, there wasn't any separationbetween them. They were both a very important part of his life.
Jing Yi's eyes cracked open and hewatched the white clouds float across the sky. Indeed. He thought ofQiu Ling as important as his mother. Shouldn't this already tellhim what his heart wanted? He glanced at him but Qiu Ling wasn'tlooking back. He seemed completely absorbed in his current task.Well, there was no reason to decide anything right now. He should atleast wait until Qiu Ling had finished. Thus he closed his eyes againand surrendered himself to Qiu Ling's hands.
The dragon king didn't startimmediately. He tried to feel for the other dragons' presence tosee if there was somebody close by who could help if somethinghappened. Unfortunately, he only sensed Xin Lan.
His lips twitched. His two so-calledtrusted aides had disappeared and only the person that hated him wasleft. Great. If they got attacked while he examined Jing He's soul... Ah, but there was nothing he could do. And even if Xin Lan hatedhim, his father was back and had certainly married the old geezeralready. So he could be considered his stepson, couldn't he? XinLan should at least want to save his life.
With that thought, he stopped caringabout their surroundings, silently regarding the task of guardingthem as Xin Lan's, and concentrated on Jing He's soul.
He pulled him yet a little closerand reached out with his energy, feeling for the intangible thingthat was his soul. He didn't need long. In fact, just taking acasual look was enough. After all, part of his soul was bound to JingHe's. He just had to search for this part of his soul and he wouldautomatically find Jing He's soul.
He took a moment to admire it. JingHe's soul was of a half-transparent, silvery-white that seemed totwinkle with little stars. In the dragon realm, this kind of soulwould be regarded highly. It was something very beautiful.
His own soul instead ... Qiu Lingreally wanted to sigh. It was black for the most part, actually avery fitting match for Jing He's pretty white soul but,unfortunately, there were a few red streaks mixed inside. Even thepart that he had used to bind to Jing He's soul had one of thosestreaks as if it wanted to remind him that even when he managed toattain Jing He's heart and start his own family with him, he wouldnever be able to escape his own origin.
No, he couldn't deny that hismother was part demon. He couldn't deny that he himself had somedemon blood even though it was only a little amount. Those ugly redstreaks would be proof of that forever. There was no way to eradicatethem and have his soul finally match Jing He's. This would foreverbe a stain on his life.
Qiu Ling frowned and pushed thethought aside. As long as Jing He could accept him even though he waspart demon, it didn't matter to him. His mother was long dead andhe himself felt more like a dragon than like a demon. In fact, he hadthe demons to the bones. They had been the ones to take his familyfrom him, after all.
Well, that was long in the past.Now, only Jing He was important. He was his family now and he wouldstay his family in the future. This time the demons wouldn't ruinthis.
Qiu Ling's lips curved up in asmile and he gently wrapped his beloved's soul in a layer of hisown energy. He had to make sure that nothing bad would happen to thisone family member he had found for himself. His beloved, his reasonto live ... he couldn't let him suffer any harm.

Oh. My. Fate?! (BL, Volume 6)
RomanceJing He, crown prince of the nine heavens, has to descend into the mortal realm to weather a human life full of vicissitudes. Each event carefully crafted by fate's scribe, Shun Tao, nothing should go wrong. Just that Qiu Ling, king of the dragon ra...