"It's that bad?"
Jinde turned his head and smiled athis lover. "What do you think? After what happened with hisparents, he didn't dare return to the capital. He lived out therein the wilderness, all alone. He had to deal with his father'sdeath, with the fact that he himself killed his mother, with hismixed heritage that finally showed after killing her. There was a loton his plate and nobody to help him through it.
"And that is only what I knowabout. That child didn't talk about it much but I guess there aresome other things that happened along the way. He won't confide inme though. After all, there is still a part of him that wants tobelieve that things would have turned out differently if it wasn'tfor me. If his father hadn't loved me or if I hadn't become king,then maybe his life could have been different. He might not say sobut that is what he thinks nonetheless."
"But —"
"You don't have to say it. Iknow it's not true. But it's what Qiu Ling thinks and I guessit's understandable. His life is in shambles. Naturally, he wantsto believe that there is some kind of reason for it. And Jian Heng isalready dead. Even though he knows that it was his scheme all along,there is nothing he can do because I already killed him. He can'ttake revenge, he can't end it either. So he can only blame me inhis heart."
Leng Jin Yu's grab on his lovertightened. "You don't deserve this. You've also suffered alot on Jian Heng's hands. How can he —"
"Sh." Jinde reached up andput a finger against his lover's lips. "Don't say anything.I don't blame him. He was a child. In some aspects, he still is. Hehad to mature too soon but in a sense that also took the possibilityof really maturing from him. Qiu Ling ... He has no sense ofresponsibility, no sense of belonging, no real goal in his life oreven some kind of vision of how he imagines it to be. Right now, theonly thing he knows is that he loves the Son of Heaven and that hewants to stay with him. But even that is jeopardized because of hisheritage."
Leng Jin Yu frowned. "Right. Heis part demon while the Son of Heaven ... If someone found out, therewould be endless troubles."
Jinde nodded. "Yes. As far as Iknow, the Heavenly Emperor isn't thrilled that Qiu Ling is goingafter the crown prince. He dotes on his son very much and I guess itwould be difficult for any man to be judged as good enough. It'seven more so when it's someone like Qiu Ling. He's from anotherrace, he's strong and in a high position. All three thingssomething that make it difficult to control him.
"The Heavenly Emperor probablyfeels that his son will be estranged from him if he lets him marryQiu Ling. He'd very much prefer a spouse from his own race. Afterall, that man would be bound to listen to his commands. Even if theHeavenly Emperor refused to let him live with his son and only holdhis hands once a day under supervision, a trueborn god wouldn'tdare to refuse even though he might be gnashing his teeth in secret.Qiu Ling though ..."
Jinde sighed. "I'm sorry tosay this but your son turned out to be a bear child. He doesn'trespect his Elders one bit and he certainly doesn't take nicely topeople telling him what to do. If the Heavenly Emperor 'proposed'something like that to him, he'd probably turn around and take hislover away without even bothering to leave a note. That's just thekind of person he is."
Leng Jin Yu's lips twitched.Somehow he could imagine that very well even though he had only seenLongjun a few times.
Jinde smiled at his lover'sexpression. "Awr, my dear husband, don't take it too hard.Your child is just a little unruly. Nothing to fret about too much. Ipromise I'll be well behaved instead." He used the opportunityand leaned up, kissing his cheek. Mn, their conversation had taken somany twists and turns, it could probably be said that the mood wasquite good right now. Maybe ...
He turned in Leng Jin Yu's armsagain and encircled his neck. "Very, very well-behaved." Hepressed his lips onto Leng Jin Yu's jaw this time, one of his handsslipping into his hair. Mn, this wasn't too bad ... Hadn't LengJin Yu wanted to get to know each other better? Since they hadalready done that, there shouldn't be anything speaking againstthis.
Leng Jin Yu took a deep breath. Ah,he had completely forgotten to return to the chair after he wrappedJinde in his arms to console him. His husband had obviously stoppedcrying long ago. There hadn't been a real need to stay this close.Now ... there was no way to escape. Jinde certainly wouldn't let goof him this time. Well, not that he really wanted him to do so.
Jinde's lips continued to traveldownward. From his jaw, they slowly made their way down the side ofhis neck, then to the front until they finally reached the hem of hisrobe just above his clavicle. Those gentle fingers tugged at thefabric, opening the two sides and exposing just enough skin to pressanother kiss onto it.
Leng Jin Yu sighed and his own handreached up and grabbed onto Jinde's golden hair. "Are you sureyou're up to this already?"
Jinde's lips curled into asatisfied smile. Ah, look at this! It seemed his appeal was stillgreater than his husband's self-restraint. He sat up straighter andhis fingers trailed the hem of Leng Jin Yu's robe down to the beltand then even further down until he finally reached the spot hewanted. He smiled at his husband with sparkling eyes. "Try me."
Leng Jin Yu couldn't help butsmile back. He took a shaky breath and leaned down. His lips closedin on Jinde's and then ...
The door was thrown open. "Oldgeezer! I need your help!"

Oh. My. Fate?! (BL, Volume 6)
RomanceJing He, crown prince of the nine heavens, has to descend into the mortal realm to weather a human life full of vicissitudes. Each event carefully crafted by fate's scribe, Shun Tao, nothing should go wrong. Just that Qiu Ling, king of the dragon ra...