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"there's the Lingards! Oh and Rashford" Gareth chuckled as we walked into St George's Park

"what did you expect, wherever theres Jess there's Rashy" I giggled giving him a hug

"so how's our newest cub?" he asked

"he's proper kicking so definitely like his dad" I exclaimed "Jesse's actually starting to feel him kick too so if he starts again I call you over" I smiled

"also just to warn you the doctor said she's gonna start getting even clumsier than normal, so you might wanna keep any glasses away from her" Jesse laughed

"hey I'm not that bad" I squealed lightly pushing him

"alright we believe you" Gareth winked

"right just go up to the rooms" I sighed throwing Jesse and Marcus the keys

"love you" Jesse said kissing my cheek

"I'll love you too if you're not late for lunch" I joked

"Lucyyyy!" I heard a voice shout from the door

"Jadon!" I squealed giving him a hug

"I've missed you! Hey little guy" he exclaimed holding my bump

"oh my god did you feel that!" I exclaimed

"he kicked! oh my god he kicked" Jadon shouted

"you're the only person other than me and Jess to feel that" I laughed

"he obviously recognises his uncle" he chuckled

"woah woah woah you said you'd call me!" Gareth exclaimed

"shit sorry I forgot! Quick feel before he stops" I giggled

"wow I'm so proud of how far you've come Luce" he smiled

"awe Gazza your getting all emosh" I laughed

"I can't help it your like my third child, but I'm starting to rethink that as you just called me Gazza" he chuckled

"don't worry I won't call you that again" I winked "now go get everything sorted for the lads otherwise I'm gonna have to do it" I giggled

"okay okay I'm off" he called out while walking away

"right off you go I've gotta take Philly over here to sign the wall" I said to Jadon throwing him his key

"nope I'm gonna watch Phil sign the wall, I'm like a proud brother" he smiled

"right come on then you idiots" I chuckled walking off

"Luce where's your signature?" Phil asked

"I'm not a footballer I haven't done one" I said

"what but you're a part of the team of course you should've signed it!" Jadon exclaimed

"I think you'll find it's only the managers and the boys with senior call ups that sign it" I chuckled

"well I'm not happy with that" Phil sighed

"yeah, you're literally everyone's favourite person on the team" Jadon smiled

"well thanks guys but you should really get settled in before lunch, I know you'll be late" I chuckled walking back to the reception

"well thanks guys but you should really get settled in before lunch, I know you'll be late" I chuckled walking back to the reception

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Liked by _fernhawkins and 66,393 others

lucylingard_ welcome back my lions🦁 but don't be late you've got 20 minutes, I'm looking at you @sanchooo10 @philfoden 🤣

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marcusrashford wow I'm there twice you must really love me

- lucylingard_ more like I can't get away from you😅

sanchooo10 I would like to be excluded from this narrative🤨

- philfoden we can't be excluded because we cause it🤣

- sanchooo10 you just wait I bet I won't be late all week

- lucylingard_ deal £50 that you'll be late some point this week

jbutland_ love a good Lucy hug🤗

- lucylingard_ except you wouldn't hug me properly cos you didn't want to squish the baby😂

"wow you really wanna win this bet don't you" I said to Jadon as he walked in on time

"yep and I'm going to win it, no doubt" he smiled

"okay go sit down then and wait for the rest of the lads" I chuckled

"right so I know me and the skip usually do a speech to motivate us and all that but I'm gonna do that another time, I actually have something for us to do today" he shouted "so we all know that theres a little Lingard on the way" he paused as everyone cheered "so we're all gonna write some name ideas down for the little guy on a post it note and then Lucy will read them out" he announced

"thank god we need some good ideas guys" Jesse laughed

"yep at the moment all Jesse has suggested is Jesse Jr" I rolled my eyes and everyone laughed

"okay you've literally all just written down your own names" I sighed

"yeah cos they're the best names" Jadon shouted back

"to be fair I do like the name Jadon" Jesse chuckled

"Lucy's told me before she likes my name too" Eric chuckled

"what! There is no way you're naming your baby after Dier and not me" Marcus exclaimed

"I have a feeling we won't be able to name him after any of you otherwise you might murder us" I laughed

"yeah that's probably best" Gareth chuckled

"wait no I've got the best name ever" John shouted "slabhead" John laughed so Harry threw some chicken at him and it hit him in the face "Lucy he threw that at my face!" John shouted while laughing

"woah let's not start a food fight guys, God I was worried about being a mum but I've just realised I'm already a mum to 20-something lads" I chuckled

"woah let's not start a food fight guys, God I was worried about being a mum but I've just realised I'm already a mum to 20-something lads" I chuckled

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Liked by trentarnold98 and 939,830 others

jesselingard us lads running to @lucylingard_ to solve our problems🤣

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lucylingard_ I don't know what you're gonna do without me😅

- ericdier15 wait you're leaving us!

- jesselingard you do know she has to go on maternity leave at some point

- dele noooo please don't leave us😭

- lucylingard_ I won't be gone for long you melts🤣

england she always knows what to do🤩

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