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"boys get on that fucking coach" I shouted

"uh oh she's getting stressy" Raheem teased

"Staz come on I don't have the energy please" I sighed

"hey cheer up chicken" he said giving me a hug

"thanks now come on" I said kicking his butt to get him moving

"okay okay I'm going" he chuckled before walking down to reception

"don't stress yourself out over this" Harry said from behind me

"I'm really trying H" I giggled

"don't worry you'll see Kate later today" he told me

"oh my god she's coming?" I asked

"yep, I told her that you're missing her and she's hauling her pregnant butt down to Wembley" he laughed

"aw thank you!" I squealed giving him a hug

"okay I'll see you on the coach" he said as he walked away

"Johny boy come on! What's taking you so long?" I asked knocking on his door

"shhh Luce can we talk?" John said coming out of his room and holding the door behind him

"what's up?" I asked him

"Kyle's in my room and he's really not in a good place" he sighed "everything's just getting to him, he hasn't seen the kids in so long and he's really missing them and Annie still"

"right okay you grab your stuff and go down to the coach, also tell Gareth I'm talking to Kyle so he doesn't get too pissed off" I told him before I walked into the room "Kyle?" I called out

"oh hey Luce I was just leaving" he said standing up off the edge of the bed

"no you're not sit that ass back down Walks" I ordered

"okay okay" he chuckled

"it's okay to talk about what's bothering you Kyle" I said reassuringly

"but nobody understands, everyone thinks just because it's been years that I've dealt with it well I haven't" he sighed

"but that's okay Kyle, it's hard not seeing your kids I get that I've only been without Nate for a week and I miss him like crazy" I said sympathetically "why don't I talk to Annie for you" I suggested

"no Luce you don't need to get involved and ruin your friendship with her" he objected

"hey if this ruins my friendship with her then we obviously weren't that good friends because family comes before everything and those boys are yours as well" I told him

"thank you so much Luce I honestly don't know what I'd do without you" he smiled

"no worries, now you know what I'm gonna say" I winked

"I know I'll get my ass down to the coach" he laughed

"perfect" I said giving him a hug

"Jades!" I shouted knocking on his door

"yes" I heard someone say from behind me

"oh you're out" I said surprised

"see I'm not always late" he smirked

"oh hunny you're still late, just not as late as I thought you were" I giggled

"better than nothing" he chuckled

"come on we're the last two" I said picking up my bags 

"you are not carrying both of them bags you crazy girl" he said taking them from me

"Jadon I can carry some bags" I laughed

"but you shouldn't there's double the babies to protect in that fat belly of yours" he teased

"I'm telling you right now if you told any pregnant girl other than me because I know you're joking that they would kill you" I warned

"noted" he said widening his eyes

"I'm serious you've seen how stressy I get when I'm pregnant" I smiled

"I'm serious you've seen how stressy I get when I'm pregnant" I smiled

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Liked by _gracie.dean and 96,298 others

lucylingard_ the face I give the boys when they're late🤨

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jesselingard you mean the face you give Jadon and Phil😅

- sanchooo10 think you'll find we were ALL late today

- philfoden mate you shouldn't be bragging about that🤣

benchilwell how'd your bump just disappear🤔

- lucylingard_ angles hunny

- jpickford1 more like MY blazers covering it

- lucylingard_ that too😉

- megan_davison_ don't know why you're complaining JP you're used to me stealing your clothes😂

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