Chapter 2: Something she couldn't offer

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AN: Shall we enjoy this rare occasion where I update two days in a row? Lol. These next few updates are pretty short so I thought why not give you guys a few frequent updates before I disappear unintentionally. One thing I wanted to let you guys know is that although this story takes its own storyline after episode 1x13 I will be taking parts of episodes to follow if it makes sense for the story but it won't completely line up with the timeline of the show so please don't let that confuse you. Other than that I hope you enjoy the new update!

- B


It was a week since the recent events and Hope had yet to leave her room. Josie and Lizzie decided to take turns checking up on Hope so that it didn't become too much.

Today was Josie's turn to bring Hope's meal to her.

She walked into the school kitchen and grabbed the premade sack lunch for Hope and started walking towards Hope's room.

As she approached the door she saw the pile of food left untouched from the previous days. Josie lifted her hand to knock on the door only to realize that it was left ajar. This was something new.

Even when people came to drop off her food Hope never opened the door for anyone.

Out of concern and curiosity, Josie slightly pushed the door further open.

Her heart dropped.

Rafael and Hope were sitting on her bed while Hope cried muffled cries in his arms. This flickered a twinge of jealousy in Josie's chest.

Josie wanted to be the one holding Hope. She wanted to be the one to comfort Hope during her lowest times but she knew she couldn't.

Rafael was the only person who understood Hope's pain and Josie knew that but that didn't stop her from feeling envious of Rafael's position.

Josie stood there and watched. More, stared at Hope. She hadn't seen her face in days and who knew when she would see her again after today.

Not wanting to startle the two, Josie just quietly put the meal next to the rest of the food and walked away.

The day came to an end and Josie headed to towards her dad's office for their end of the day check-ins.

"Hey baby, how was your day?" Dr. Saltzman looked up from the book he was reading.

"It was overall fine. I learned a new spell in Chemistry of Magic, gave a tour to a couple of new kids and checked up on Hope like usual." Josie released an exhausted sigh.

"How is Hope? Still not coming out of her room?" Dr. Saltzman asked with concern.

"Not much has changed except I saw her with Rafael in her room today." Josie tried to fight the jealousy in her voice.

"That's good to hear." There was a hint of excitement in Dr. Saltzman's voice.

"I know the two of them have gone through a lot so I'm glad to hear they're connecting with someone in some way." Dr. Saltzman's shoulders relaxed as if he was holding all of his stress in them.

"Yeah, I'm glad too."

This wasn't a lie. Josie was glad that Hope had someone. It's just she wished she was that someone.

After the day's briefing was over Josie made her way to her room. When she passed Hope's room she noticed that all the food was cleared out. Either Hope had finally decided to eat or they were going bad so the janitor cleaned it up.

Just then, Josie saw Hope come out of the bathroom.

"Hope," Josie said in a whisper.

"Hi Josie," Hope responded in a tired voice.

Josie slowly walked over to the girl who was now standing in front of her bedroom door.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, that's a terrible question. Of course you're not okay." Josie shook her head in self-disapproval.

"It's okay Josie," Hope gently put her hand on Josie's arm.

This girl had lost everything yet somehow she managed to be the one reassuring Josie.

This was the first time Hope had made an attempt to communicate with anyone. Other than Rafael that is.

"I'm just really tired."

Josie tried to give her an understanding look but she knew there was no way she could understand.

"Yeah, of course. You should get some rest." Josie slowly nodded her head.

"Thank you for the lunch." Hope gave Josie a half smile.

This brought a big smile to Josie's face. Not only did Hope finally eat she knew it was from her.

"No problem. I know what you're going through is unimaginable but know I'm always here for you Hope."

"Thanks." Hope gave Josie one last tired smile before she walked into her room and locked the door behind her.

Josie was lucky. She had caught Hope on a good day. Hope had cried out all her sadness for the day with Rafael which is why she was willing to hold a short conversation with her.

Although it wasn't much this made Josie's day.

The smile of the broken girl somehow seemed to be mending her unspoken brokenness.

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