Chapter 15: Always and forever

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AN: Chapter 15 is finally here! So! Some announcements. After some deep thinking, I've decided to make this the last chapter of this story. I have loved all your guys' love and support and I would not have been able to write this story without you guys. This chapter really does bring it home and I hope leaves a full circle ending. I had so much fun writing this and because I wanted it to be perfect it took a couple of days for me to post it. Not only is this the last chapter of the story this is the longest chapter yet. Nearly 4k words y'all! There was actually so much more I wanted to add but it was getting ridiculously long so I had to stop myself where I did. I hope you all love this chapter as much as I loved writing. Thank you for this short but amazing journey! Enjoy!

- B

A few months later

POV Hope

It's a quiet afternoon and the school is nearly empty from everyone going home for Thanksgiving break.

Josie and I are laying on her bed with my laptop propped up on our laps scrolling through Netflix.

"Hey, babe?" I turn to look at Josie.

"Hmm?" Josie keeps her focus foward looking for a movie as she responds with a hum.

"Do you want to come to New Orleans with me for Thanksgiving this year?"

I run my fingers lightly up and down my girlfriend's arm.

This gets Josie's attention. She stops scrolling through the list of movies and looks at me.

"Really?" She asks in almost disbelief.

I sit to properly face Josie.

"Yeah." Josie's face starts to light up.

"I know this year your family couldn't do anything so Lizzie's staying with MG and you decided to stay with them but I want you to meet my family and maybe spend some time alone away from here."

"I would have to ask my dad but I would love to Hope."

Josie's adorable smile appears on her face.


This was the answer I was hoping for but for some reason, I'm surprised by her immediate response.

"Yeah! I would love to meet your family and see where you grew up. Maybe I can get them to tell me a few embarrassing stories about you." Josie winks.

"Okay, I take it back. I'm going by myself." I playfully joke.

"Nooo babe, I'm kidding. I'll be good, I promise." Josie moves in closer to me wrapping her arm around my waist.

She looks up at me with her irresistible pout.

"Okay." I let out a breath and give Josie a quick peck on the lips.

"Yayyy, road trip and Thanksgiving with my girlfriend."

Josie lightly pumps her fist in the air.

I let out a chuckle and just admire this simple moment. Watching Josie smile while I held her close to me. This is what I've always wanted and I couldn't have asked for more.

"Wait," Josie abruptly sits up.

"Aren't you leaving in 2 days? I should probably ask my dad right now then." Before I can answer Josie shoots up from the bed and starts running out the door.

"Stay right there, I'll be right back!" I hear Josie's voice yell down the hall.

I don't know what I did to deserve someone as pure but full as Josie. I know I'd do anything to make sure I have her forever by my side.

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