Chapter 10: Counting the days

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AN: Here we are at present day! So, I know I left many if not all of you very heartbroken last chapter and for that, I apologize again. I will be honest though, it doesn't get easier from here. You'll see a lot more angst, confusion, and even possibly more smut. I wasn't going to post for another few days but thought I'd do one quick one before things got busy on my end. Also, that season finale man. I would love to talk about it if any of y'all are interested. My Twitter handle is @thatAsianb so just @ me or message me! I hope you forgive me and still stick around for more. Enjoy!

- B

Day 122

POV Hope

Today is Landon's death anniversary and all I can think about is the fact that I wish Josie was here to hold me.

She broke my heart and left me pieced to basically train to her death but I can't help but miss her every single day.

POV Josie

I thought that if I broke up with Hope it would make this easier but it hasn't.

Every day I wake up and wish she was the one I was waking up beside and every night I wish I could say goodnight one last time.

Today marks a year since Landon died and I wish I was back home to comfort Hope because knowing her she's probably locked up in her room.

Day 200

POV Hope

I stand in front of the mirror with my gown on and cap in hand.

We may be a school for troubled supernatural kids but Dr. Saltzman still believes in the basic school system in order to maintain our human façade. So, today I graduate.

I know your graduation day is supposed to be one of your life milestone days but somehow today just feels like an ordinary day maybe even worse, it feels like the worst day.

You're supposed to look out into the audience to see the faces of your family and friends but instead, I only see empty seats where my parents and Josie should be.

My aunt Freya and Keelin came with their 2-year-old son Vince named after his biological father Vincent and Davina, uncle Kol, aunt Beks, and Marcel was able to make it but it isn't the same.

I love my family no matter how dysfunctional we are but we've all been through so much pain and hurt you can almost see it on our faces wherever we go.

I walked the stage, put on my best fake smile and got through the day.

I was packing my bags to leave when I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey Hope, do you have a minute?"

I turn around to find Dr. Saltzman standing by the door.

"Yeah, what's up?"

I set my duffle bag down on my bed and walk over to Dr. Saltzman.

"I know you haven't really thought about what to do after today but I was wondering if you would be interested in being a campus mentor."

"Are you offering me a job, Dr. Saltzman?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Well, you're one of the most powerful supernatural creatures there is so I guess you could say I'd rather have you here than out there doing who knows what." Dr. Saltzman answered honestly.

"I don't know. I'd have to think about it." I'm hesitant to accept.

To be honest, I want this job. As much as I love New Orleans there isn't a place for me there anymore and this school is the closest thing to home I have. But, the last thing I wanted was to be around when Josie got back.

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