Chapter 6: May I have this dance?

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AN: Hey guys :). This past couple of chapters have been a bit intense/angsty so I thought I'd give you all a break and give you a warm and fluffy chapter. Enjoy!

- B


Josie stood there stunned once again. The Hope Mikaelson just declared her love for her and Josie couldn't find the words to respond.

"Hope I—" Josie started to stutter out.

"No, I get it, I push people away to the point where they can't love me back," Hope said painfully.

"No, it's not that. You're not impossible to love Hope. It's just, with Penelope leaving and everything that's happened these past few months I don't know what to say." Josie admitted.

Hope's heart dropped.

"Just spit it out, Josie. If you want an out this is your chance." Hope said harshly.

There was a moment of silence which only seem to make things worse.

"I don't want an out." Josie walked up closer to Hope.

"You don't?" Hope said in a shocked voice.

With everything that had happened that Hope most definitely expected a different response.

"No, how could I? I've liked you since the day I met you, Hope. You've always been hurting so I was too afraid to say anything. I loved Penelope, I mean I still do, but she was never good for me and we both know that. No matter how complicated things are between us I'd still choose you."

Josie brought her hand up to Hope's face and pulled her in for a kiss.

A few seconds into the kiss Josie felt Hope's lips form a smile.

With a smile on her own face now Josie pulled back.

"What?" A small laugh escaped Josie's mouth.

"Nothing." Hope shook her head.

"You look beautiful. I wish I was the one who escorted you tonight." Hope said in a disappointed voice.

Josie raised her eyebrows and took a step back.

"Well then, may I have this dance?" Josie offered her hand to Hope.

A big smile grew on Hope's face.

"I would be honored."

Hope took Josie's hand and the two danced the night away.

The two clung to each other as if they never wanted to let go.

In the moment Hope forgot about all the pains of the past and Josie cared about nothing but the girl standing in front of her.

As the night grew darker Josie eventually left Hope's room.

By the time Josie got back to her room, Lizzie was already fast asleep so she quickly and quietly got ready for bed.

The next morning

Today being Saturday, everything was slow. Some people had gone home for the extended weekend while others were still in bed.

Hope, on the other hand, found herself up earlier than usual.

Hope stood in front of her mirror fixing her top when she heard Lizzie's voice.

"So, you and my sister huh," Lizzie said from the door.

"What do you mean?" Hope tried to act as if she didn't know what Lizzie was talking about.

"Okay, what is it with you two. You know I have eyes and you guys aren't the most discreet people in the world." Lizzie rolled her eyes.

Lizzie invited herself inside Hope's room and closed the door behind her.

"Josie has literally spent all her free time "checking up" on you and you guys should really consider the fact that everyone in the hall can hear what you guys say behind closed doors," Lizzie said in her usual voice.

"Is it really that obvious?" Hope looked down shyly.

"Yes." Lizzie gave Hope a single nod.

"Are you happy?" Lizzie's voice suddenly became quiet.

"Honestly, I think so." Hope lifted her head with a smile on her face.

The two then heard a knock at the door.

Hope walked over and opened it.

"Good morning," Josie said as she leaned in to give Hope a morning kiss.

"Good morning to you too," Hope responded.

"Okay yeah, that's my cue to leave," Lizzie said walking towards the door.

"Lizzie? What are you doing here?" Josie looked passed Hope with a confused look.

"Don't worry Josie, I already knew everything." Lizzie nonchalantly said.

Lizzie then turned to face Hope.

"You hurt my sister and you're dead to me." Lizzie threatened.

"I would never," Hope responded in a serious voice.

Lizzie then left the room leaving Josie and Hope alone once again.

The two then burst out into laughter.

"So clearly we're not that discreet," Josie said as she closed the door.

"Your sister's words exactly." Hope nodded.

"But honestly who cares. We're happy and the world should know that." Hope said with a smile.

"Wow, what did you do with my pessimistic sad Hope Mikaelson?" Josie teased.

"Stooop," Hope gently smacked Josie's arm.

"I'm serious," She pulled Josie in closer.

"I'm happy and I don't care who knows."

"I'm happy too, Hope. So, what does that make us? Girlfriends?" Josie said looking down at Hope.

"I would hope so." Hope joked.

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