Chapter 14: Don't let history repeat itself

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AN: It's finally here, the chapter y'all have been waiting for. It's sappy, it's fluffy, it's cheesy, it's cliché, and most importantly, it's happy. Please enjoy!

- B

POV Hope

I'm standing here alone in the hall trying to process what Penelope just said.

Could what she said be true?

It doesn't make any sense. How does someone love a person but keep pushing them away?

I start to question everything until I remember all the nights Josie stayed when I walked away.

For months I had pushed Josie away, too scared to commit. She was the one that was fighting for us when I gave her every reason not to. She never gave up on making me the happiest I've ever been so why am I not doing the same now?

Without thinking twice, I impulsively walk over to Josie's room.

I walk up to the door, take a deep breath and knock.

Only seconds later I'm greeted by Josie.


"Can I come in?"

Josie seems surprised to see me but not unwelcoming.

"Yeah of course."

Josie pulls open the door wider giving me space to walk in.

"Is everything okay?" Josie frowns with concern.

I don't answer at first.

I look down at my hands which have been fidgeting with nervousness and compose my confidence.

I finally look back up at Josie.

"Before you say anything please hear me out."

All I receive is a hesitant nod in response.

"My dad spent years pining after the love of his life but he valued being the king of New Orleans more ending up losing her."

I see Josie's brows furrow.

"My mom loved my uncle Elijah more than I've seen anyone love someone else but instead of them being happy together I got to watch my mom be alone and be in pain for years. Now, all three of them are dead."

At this point, Josie seems confused and a bit distraught by my dreadful start of a speech.

"What I'm trying to say Josie is that I may be the most powerful creature to ever exist but for some reason when I'm around you I feel powerless. I feel like I'm watching from afar as my world is spinning on a whole other axis. I don't want to be like my parents. I don't want to make the mistake of letting go of the love of my life because of the what ifs. I'd rather take the risks, fight the storm, and feel the pain of love than to just sit here and watch you walk further and further away from me. I love you, Josie Saltzman, more than you could ever know and I don't know if I can live another day without you."

I let out a nervous sigh and stop to stare at Josie. Her expression is hard to read. I start panicking wondering if I just made a huge mistake doing this.

Josie opens her mouth to say something but then closes it.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this." I look down at my hands once again but this time apologetically.

I then see Josie's feet move closer to me.

"Don't be sorry." I feel Josie take my hands into hers.

"You, Hope Mikaelson, have made me feel things I've never felt before. This past week has been one of the most confusing weeks of my life when it shouldn't have been. There are so many things I've done and not done that I regret and wish I could take back but loving you is not one of them."

My head perks up to meet Josie's deep brown eyes.

"Was I scared? Yes. Am I still terrified? Absolutely. But it isn't about just me and I should have realized that sooner." Josie gently shakes her head.

"It's okay to be scared, Josie." I say in a whisper as I bring my hands up to her face.

"You and I, we've been through more than a person could ever imagine but we're still here. We're still fighting. Just let me keep fighting with you, by your side."

"I'm so sorry Hope." Josie's voice breaks.

"I know."

"I'm so sorry for all the nights I didn't call. I'm sorry for all the nights I kept you up because of what I did. And I'm sorry for thinking walking away would fix all of this."

Josie is now fully sobbing.

"You know what they say, love makes you do stupid things." I let out a shaky laugh.

I see a small smile grow on Josie's face.

"The stupidest."

Josie leans down letting her lips hover over mine.

"I love you." She breathes out.

I simply respond by closing the gap between us.

"About time you guys made up."

Josie and I both jerk our heads up to face the door.

"Were you standing there the whole time Lizzie?" Josie asks her sister in a startled voice.

"I was going to come into MY bedroom but I heard Hope's voice so I just waited out here instead," Lizzie responded sounding unimpressed.

I can't help but let out a laugh.

"Okay, well I think it's time for me to go back to my room now but I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask facing Josie.

"Yeah, definitely." Josie pulls me into one more chaste kiss.

"Ugh. As much as I missed Josie not being an emotional wreck I did not miss the PDA." Lizzie disturbingly waves her hand around us.

This earns a laugh from both of us.

"Goodnight Lizzie. I missed you too." I give her a warm smile before I walk out of the room.

POV Josie

I stand in the middle of my room with the biggest smile on my face.

"If I knew Hope would make you this happy I would've dragged you back home sooner." Lizzie rolls her eyes at me.

All of a sudden, my smile disappears and I start to feel panic creep into my chest.

"What if I ruin this again Lizzie? What if I hurt her again and she hates me forever." I desperately turn to my sister.

"Woah Josie, calm down." Lizzie starts walking closer to me.

"You two just braved the storm for a Romina and Juliet love story, there is no way I'm letting you screw that up again. As much as I hate constantly walking in on my best friend and my twin sister I'd choose that over your unhappiness any day." I corner of my lips start to rise at my sister's comforting words.

"Now, I told Hope I'd kill her if she hurt you but I may just have to make the same threat towards you Josie. Who knows, maybe Hope will be my new favorite now." Lizzie nonchalantly shrugs her shoulders.

"Hey there! You can love my girlfriend but you can't replace me with her." I gently shove Lizzie.

"Hahaha, I'm kidding. No one can ever replace you, Josie."

Lizzie pulls me into a tight hug. She then takes a step back and looks at me.

"I know I haven't been the best sister in the past but I promise that I'll be here for you when you need me. You deserve to be happy Jo." An apologetic smile forms on Lizzie's face.

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