Chapter 9: Picnic by the lake

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AN: Just a few quick things. 1. I apologize for the late update once again. 2. But hey, it's another longggg update. 3. Please don't hate me for this chapter...

- B


Today was the 1-month anniversary of Hope and Josie's relationship and Hope had something special planned for the day.

Josie woke to the sound of her alarm. She rolled over in search of her phone. When her hand finally landed on top of it, Josie turned off the alarm and covered her eyes from the brightness.

After lying in her bed for a minute, Josie finally sat up.

"About time you woke up," Lizzie spoke through the mirror.

"Your girlfriend left something for you." Lizzie pointed to Josie's dresser.

There was a small wrapped box with a card sitting on top of Josie's dresser.

Wondering what it could be Josie slowly got out of bed and walked towards the gift.

"Did she say what it was?"

"Nope. Just said to let you know when you woke up."

Lizzie pulled a blazer over her shoulder and smiled at herself in the mirror.

"Okay, well I'm heading to breakfast. MG said he had something to show me but I'll see you later!" Lizzie grabbed her books and walked out of the room.

"See you later," Josie responded.

After Lizzie left, Josie turned her attention back to the box.

It was gently wrapped in parchment paper and the card simply had "To my love" written on it.

Josie first opened the card.

It read,

"Dear Josie, this past month has been the happiest month of my life. You taught me to love again and showed me that there's always more to live for, like you. Thank you for being in my life and happy one month. Love, Hope"

Josie couldn't help but smile however, it almost was a sad smile.

Josie put the card down and picked up the box. She opened it to find a golden bracelet with two charms on it. One was a white wolf and the other was a miniature version of the Mikaelson crest.

Josie knew this was a big deal for Hope because her family was everything to her and the only people who wore her family crest was her family.

Josie wrapped the bracelet around her wrist and clasped in on. Seeing that it fit perfectly Josie smiled.

The rest of the morning was spent getting ready for the day.

The first time Josie saw Hope that day was during their History class which today was taught by Dr. Saltzman.

Josie was busy writing something in her notebook when Hope walked into the class.

"Good morning beautiful."

Josie lifted her head to find Hope standing next to her desk.


"Whatcha writing there?" Hope slightly leaned forward to look.

Josie quickly covered the paper on her desk and looked at Hope with a cheesy smile.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

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