Chapter 12: Let's forget just for the night

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AN: Look who it is again! Yeah! It's me. I know today is supposed to be April fools day with cruel jokes and all but I honestly thought I'd treat you guys to another chapter instead. I've put your poor souls through enough already. LIke always, let me know what you think in the comments!

- B

POV Hope

Today is Remembrance Day. Like I do every year I sit down at the windowsill with some paper and pen in hand. This year I'm writing a fourth letter for Landon.

"Dear dad," I start writing.

"If I'm being honest, it's been over 3 years and I still miss you."

As I continue to write my letter I feel silent tears roll down my face. I quickly wipe them off with the back of my sleeve before anyone notices.

I move onto my next letter.

"Dear mom, I wish you were here now more than ever. I know this is stupid but there's this girl that broke my heart but I still love her. I wish you were here to tell me what to do." My hand stops writing as I let out a sad sigh.

I look up as if to find students walking around but when there's nothing to look at I start writing again.

I walk out of the school with my 4 letters in hand and make my way towards the cemetery.

There I find Raf putting his letters down for his girlfriend and Landon, Dr. Saltzman scattering his fair share of letters and Dorian gently placing his letters to his family on the cemetery stones.

Not wanting to have to talk to anybody I quickly scatter my letters and head back inside.

Today's just one of those days where I just want to be alone. Although many of the kid here have gone through loss it almost feels like I suffer through my pain alone. No one quite understands so I just accept that fact and give myself today to be detached from the world.

POV Josie

Up until this past year I never really had to write letters on Remembrance Day. I knew I was lucky I didn't have to but I always wondered what it felt like to lose somebody you love. I can't say I loved neither Jo or Landon but watching Jo dissipate in my hands and Landon's cold body being carried in by his brother wasn't easy.

I don't think it would be right for me to write to Landon but I feel the urge to write to Jo.

After I finish writing my letter I walk out to the cemetery to join my dad.

"Hey baby, what are you doing out here?" My dad pulls me into a side embrace.

"I know it's stupid but I wanted to write a letter to Jo." I lift my hand to show him the letter.

I see a flash of pain in my dad's eyes.

"No, that's not stupid at all. I'm glad you did." My dad gives me a sad smile before pulling me in for a full hug.

I stand there in silence with my dad as we watch the other students scatter their letters.

As my eyes roam the cemetery a particular person catches my attention.

From across the grounds, I see Hope scattering her letters and quickly leaving. I feel a wince of pain pass through my chest.

Without thinking I follow after her.

Soon after, I find myself standing in front of Hope's room.

I raise my hand to knock but hesitate and bring it back down.

What would I say when she opens the door? Would she even open the door at all?

Just as I turn to walk away I hear the door open.

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