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Book One | Victim

Dre's POV

"Yo Dre you listening man?" I heard a sudden voice snap me out of my deep thoughts quickly.

"Huh what!?" I questioned my best friend Josh.

"Dang nigga whats got you so mindfucked this morning? First you show up late for school and now you ain't even listening to a word me and the guys are saying." he replied.

"Nah its nothing, I just had a really long night y'all but I'm good so chill a bit and give my dick some room to breathe okay!" I gave them a response and walked ahead of them.

I'd been lowkey thinking about Clay all morning because I thought I'd run into him by History class but for some odd reason he wasn't there, which is weird because knowing that faggot he hardly misses class unless he's sick or he's got himself into some heavy trouble, so I wonder which it is this time....but nah he seemed fine last night, infact I made sure he had a great night so I know for a fact that he cant be sick...

Before I could carry on with thoughts there was a sudden commotion within the school halls which then snapped me back to reality once again.

"MAKE WAY, MAKE WAY!" I heard three guys dressed in hospital uniforms, pushing a hospital gurney yell as they tried to clear the path ahead of them.

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" they kept yelling as the moved at a fast pace down the hall towards the changing rooms where all the Basketball players normally changed.

The crowd of students who had been in the halls then followed behind the three man at rapid speeds so that they could see what on Earth was going on.

"Eyo WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" I yelled out to my squad which had also been running and pushing amongst the crowd of students trying to get to where the three guys were headed.

"Come on dude! Hurry up" Josh said grabbing my arm and dragging me with the rest of the crowd.

"Nigga hold up. What the fuck is going on? Somebody get beaten up or what?!!" I then started asking all these frantic questions but I still couldn't get a word out of Josh or the rest of the blood thirsty looking teens around me.

When we finally got somewhat close to the rooms, there were too many people stopping us from moving any further inside to get a proper look at what was going on so Josh being the aggressive dude he is started pushing and squeezing through everybody to get closer.

"Move back... I SAID MOVE BACK! GET TO CLASS NOW, ALL OF YOU!" I saw my principal yell as he and a few of the male staff tried to keep the students from getting into the lockerrooms but everyone just seemed too interested in finding out what all the commotion was about so they hardly gave a shit about going to class or listening to what the staff had to say.

Before I knew it Josh was by the front of the crowd where he thought he could somehow get a better look at what was happening.

"MAKE WAY, MAKE WAY..." voices within the crowded then said as a path cleared open and we could all suddenly see what was happening.

Someone had been badly hurt. Looking around you could see the shock and trauma on everyone's faces as the gurney moved past them. My heart felt as though it was paused in mid air as I waited anxiously to get a better look at who the nigga on the gurney was and as soon as it moved past me my heart dropped six-feet under where it shattered into a thousand little pieces.


I'm not an emotional nigga, I wasn't built that way but at that very moment I could feel my eyes begin to water-up as my legs trembled right on the spot.

I just stood there, glued to my spot as I watched the men push the gurney down the hallway and out the schools front door.

Could hear people around me mumbling all sorts of things because they were clearly as confused and traumatised as I was but then my mind was too fucked up to make out even a single word from one of them.

Seconds later the crowd began to slowly shift towards the front of the school where the ambulance was parked outside for Clay to be hoisted into it.

We were all so fucked up that even those that still had the energy to move after what we'd just seen had been moving like lifeless zombies. - curious and yet too drained to even care about wanting to see more...

What the fuck happened to Clay...

I thought to myself with my fists and teeth clenched as I tried so desperately to hold back my tears.


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