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Book One | Fuck Fake Friends

That was the last time Clay and I spoke to each other and after that we just went two years without saying a thing. All we did was pass each other down the hallways as though non of us existed in the other's memories but on the rare occasion that we did remember each other we'd find ourselves stealing glimpses of what the other was doing with his life. From who our new friends were and from time to time how well the other was doing academically at school.

But of course being that I was now on the basketball team after joining the year that we stopped talking and hanging out, Clay saw more of me than I did of him. He saw me become close friends with Chris, and I remember at some point he even tried talking me out of it

Like why the fuck did it concern him?

And yea after Clay and I stopped hanging out there was really no reason for Arnia and Michael to keep being nice to me so yea they also stopped talking to me completely and that was the end of that.

The Present - A few months before the rape

"Class again I feel the need to remind you how extremely important this assignment is. It will count for over half your grade so if you don't even bother yourself to doing it then just be aware that you've already failed the school year and will be repeating the class next year. Am I clear?"

The class nodded in acknowledgement of what our teacher was saying.

"Good now because I know how unproductive y'all can get when I leave you to pair yourselves up I've decided to taking it upon myself to do so for you!"

The class the let out groans on complaints and there was some mumbling in between.

"Enough! Now settle down. The group list will be on the notice board by the end of the day so it's your responsibility to find out who your partner is along with finding them. And a topic maybe chosen at your own discretion of course but you'll need to come discuss it with me afterwards am I clear?"

"Yes sir" a couple of students replied.

Everyone then began looking around the class speculating who they could be paired up with and who they didn't wanna be paired up with. As though being paired up with a certain or not being paired up with the person they wanted would be a fate worse than death.

By the end of the day the notice board was crowded with students from my class pushing and shoving to see who name was paired next to theirs. Some got good partners and some didn't.

Some space finally cleared up and I got my chance to see who I was partnered up with and there next to my name was the last person I'd ever expect to be working with...Clay.

Fuck this shit

I then turned getting ready to walk way but then bumped into trying to get a look at the list, guess he hadn't seen it yet.

We exchanged looks for a split second then I quickly walked away from him before he realized we were partners.

I walked to the bathroom and took a quick piss or rather not so quick cause the amount of liquid that shot out of me was insane.

After that I zipped up my pants and took a quick look in the mirror  to see if I was still looking fresh before walking out.

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