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Book One | FML

Way Home

After lunch with Michael and Arnia, Chris and I started walking home together. It was a bit dark out but we didnt mind because like we weren't really in a rush to go home anytime soon.

If anything we were actually enjoying each others company so much that I didn't actually wanna go home.

"So what's your story Dre?"

"Whatcha mean?"

"I mean what's your story Mr Houston?"

"I still don't know what your talking 'bout Clay"

"Agg I forgot you can be slow at times" he said nudging my shoulder a bit."

"What I mean is look at you, you're a nice looking guy who can basically have any girl he wants if you actually put in the effort and yet here we are"

"And yet here we are?" I asked smirking at him as we continued to stroll down the street to his crib.

"Yeah, what I mean is I've noticed how many cute girls you've been turning down and playing off all for no reason at all then earlier today you told me you had your eyes set on someone specific"

"Whaaaaa, I said that?"

"Yeah you did, stop playing dumb, I know you remember. - You even tried to brush me off by pretend to not hear me when I asked who it was, so spill nigga!"

"Agh nah, I didn't maybe you over-thinking shit"

"Nah I'm legit serious right now so tell me"

"Okay well if you must know, yeah there is someone"

"Yeah, yeah we've already established that. My question now is who exactly?"

Listen to "POET - IN STUDIO" by Bibi Bourelly

I wrote the content below whilst listening to this song and it just seemed to fit the mood so so well so I just had to suggest it... I know most of y'all don't have the song but I'd honestly suggest you get it... Its alternative rock so you should like it trust me. I'll add a YouTube for it later on in the multimedia for easy access streaming.

I then looked at Clay for a moment with the side of my eye as we continued walking down the quiet street of our neighbourhood.

I stayed quiet for a moment thinking of what to say to him because the honest truth of it all is that I think im starting to catch feeling for him somehow... I cant really explain it but there's something there for him... And yes I know what I said earlier about us just hanging out as friends without all that gay shit like him trying to suck my dick but I think was lying to myself.

Only problem now is that Clay has been a really good friend to me hey, and I know he's gay and all but that doesn't necessarily mean that he's automatically into me, y'all understand?

I jus' dont wanna make a mess of things between us by saying I like him and have him tell me that the feeling isnt mutual, y'all feel?

"Earth to Louisiana, you still there?" Clay then asked interrupting my deeply seated thoughts.

"Haha yea I heard you, and by the way that doesn't make any sense because Louisiana is still on Earth dumby" I said smiling to him.

"Doi I know that but thats not what we gonna discuss right now so don't even try to change the subject, I want an answer"

*Laughs* "Why you pressing this - you into me or somethin'?" I asked jokingly to hide my nerves because deep down I wanted a real answer.

"Boy get over yourself, you know we jus' friends so that aint even on my mind" he said so bluntly and I swear in that moment it felt like daggers had been plunged deep into my chest over and over again.

I then jokingly placed my hands onto my chest to express my heartbreak which he took as a joke even though deep down I was kinda truly hurt hey.

"Ouch! jus' like that?"

"Welp yea, what do you want me to say... No actually we getting real of topic now, stop making this about me and answer the damn question" he said giggling.

"Nah actually its late and im kinda tired, so imma tell you tomorrow okay?"

"Nah bruh you gotta tell me know, spill the tea my cup been empty for a while now" he kept pushing but after what he just said to me what on Earth was I supposed to tell him, huh?

I'd basically been rejected before I even got to shoot my shot.

"This is your stop dude, as for me I gotta go hey causd its real late and you know that my mama don't very well enjoy me walking home alone when its dark out so bye Clay" I said bro-nudging him towards hid front door because that's basically what we are right? - just brothers...

"Well whatever nigga bye" he said walking away to his door and you could tell by the disappointed look on his face that he was just faking it to sus me out but I wasn't gonna say anything else to him.

Honestly speaking I didnt even wanna be around him at this point cause I was lowkey hurting hey...

Kinda even felt like throwingup a bit.

"Bye Clay" I fleshed him a fake smile amd waved goodbye at him while slowly backing up and turning to walk away.

As I was walking home my head was flooded with all sorts of thoughts.

What was I thinking, I mean I shouldn't have even thought about us being together. He's Clay, nigga is incredible and know what he wants out of life and me... Well Im just too simple to be with someone like him.

I'm not confused though, the honest truth is I've always know exactly who I am okay so my feelings about him dont come as a shock to me and yet at the same time they also do because I've honestly just thought about him as a friend all this time but now I'm not so sure anymore...



- Author's Note -
Finally updated yay me.
Funny thing, turns out I find it easier to write when im a passager in a moving vehicle... Guess it keeps the blood to my brain flowing or something like that - this is just a self-diagnoses of my writers block of course.

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