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Book One | White Ferrari

I woke up a while later and found myself tied to a chair in a dark broken down room. I took a look around and there was only one window, it seemed to be boarded up with only planks and shit so I couldn't make out where I was.

Damn what happened, I feel like shit. This nigga fucking knocked me out and kidnapped me. That's so psycho.

My heart began racing a bit as I struggled to get free from the chair but there was absolutely no use struggling because these ropes were tied really tight. All I could do was sit there and wait.

Where the fuck am I?

Chris POV

What the fuck is wrong with this nigga! I really thought he'd understand!! He's supposed to be my fucking brother but instead he got mad and chose to side with that fucking good for nothing fag! Like wtf!

What the fuck am I gonna do now because he fucking knows everything. I can't just let him go, and I definitely can't keep him here forever. SHIT!

Imma have to cap his ass! Yeah that's right - imma just cap his motherfucking ass and get this shit over and done with. FUCK FUCK FUCK!

He fucked shit up for the both of us!!

Nah that's it! Imma definitely have to cap his ass!


"Somebody help! Is there anybody here?! HELP!" I began yelling out hoping that someone would come to my rescue. Next thing I knew Chris came bursting through the door and damn he seemed hell'a pissed.


"Untie me you fucking psycho! Nigga you crazy or something? You fucking kidnapping people now!?"

He kept quiet and just stood there staring at me. Nigga wasn't even blinking then next thing I knew he pulled out a gun and pointed it straight to my face.


I then froze into place and stopped talking for a while before beginning to plead for my life. "Uhm...C-Chris I'm sorry nigga, please don't do anything stupid. Come on nigga its me. I'm you're fucking brother, you wouldn't shoot me...come on, just put the gun down please" I pleaded for my life as he stood there. Chris might be as tough as nails but he's also a house cat meaning I know his ass has never held a gun before because he definitely ain't no thug but that doesn't  mean I shouldn't have been scared. He's hand was shaking uncontrollably and he's whole body was drenched in sweat, you could clearly tell that this nigga was losing it. "Chris...Chris... nigga breathe, please just relax we can talk this out"

He continued to stand there quiet and to be honest you could tell that his mind wasn't all there. As I sat there contemplating how my life was close to being over we were interrupted by a loud voice from the outside.

"Christopher! This is the ATPD, we have the place surrounded please come out with your hands in the air!" Chris then snapped out of his trance and began looking around the room seemingly confused.

"Nigga look the fucking cops are here, it's over. Please just put the gun down and do as they say before they shoot you or do something else you'll regret....Chris! Nigga fucking snap-out of it and listen to me!"

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