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Book One | Feel


"Shit, what happened!" I asked as I tried to get up from the bed I had been placed on.

"No, no Dre please don't move. Detective Kane and Graves brought you here after you passed out" the school nurse explained. "I need you to take it easy okay, you had an anxiety attack but it was minor so you'll be fine. For now I just need you to take it easy and breathe"

I then looked at her and my best to take her advice about staying calm so I pushing myself back onto the bed and relaxed as she handed me a glass of water.

"Do you feel better?" She asked.

*Sips water* "Uhm yea, I think so"

"Okay good, now I need you to stay in here and rest a bit. Your parents are on their way to come pick you up, is that okay?"

"Uhm my parents?"

"Yeah we had to call them after that shock you gave us"

"Oh- and what about the detectives?"

"What about them?"

"I thought they'd wanna question me some more about Clay or something"

"Oh they were waiting right outside a few minutes back but I told them you needed to rest or else you wouldn't be of any help to them in this state"

"Oh okay and where are they now?"

"I think they're conducting some more questionings down the hall but you have nothing to worry about, your health comes first okay Dre"

"Yes ma'am" I took a breather feeling some relief then the nurse packed up a few of her things and walked out of the room.

Damn I can't believe I had an anxiety attack!

Those cops really had me on the rocks cause I don't scare that easily - NEVER!

Why were they even questioning me in the first place instead of finding the real culprit. I wonder if they think I did it and why it's like that. But damn I guess they were just doing their job so I guess it's okay. I'll do anything to help them get justice for Clay - ANYTHING!

I'm willing to answer any questions they have for me if it means that it will prove my innocence and make things even easier for them cause I mean one less suspect makes things easier right?

Not so long after the door opened and the nurse waked in with my mom and dad.

"Dre! Babe are you okay!?" My mom came rushing to my bed and gave me a tight hug. She looked so worried I could almost feel her pain. "What happened?! The school called and told us to come over, they said something about it being an emergency so we came rushing"

"It's nothing mom, foreal...I just had an anxiety attack that's all" My dad just stood there looking shocked.

"Anxiety attack...Uhm I don't understand. Why would my babe boy be having anxiety attacks at school. He's too young to experience those, right?!" She asked the nurse in a panic.

"Not necessarily, anxiety has nothing to do with age, it just occurs as a result of extreme stress and pressure sending high doses of adrenaline throughout the body" she explained. "...But please don't stress yourselves, Dre is perfectly fine and healthy"

My dad then took a step closer to my mom and embraced her from the back. "He's Okay babe don't stress"

"Dre please just up, we're taking you home now" my mom said grabbing all my things from across the room.

"Actually mom I think I should stay a bit"

"Why?" She looked confused.

"Detective Kane and Graves weren't finished asking me questions when I collapsed so I need to go back and help them by telling them whatever they need to know"

"Wait what! Detectives! Why the fuck are detectives questioning my son!!" My mom snapped at the nurse.

"Ma'am please relax it's nothing serious"

"Nothing serious! My son is in a fucking hospital bed because of it and you have the guts to tell me it's nothing serious!" My mom added.

"Please calm down and let me explain please"

"DONT TELL ME TO FUCKING COME DOWN!!" She raised her voice louder getting ready to fight the nurse but luckily my dad managed to hold her back.

The door suddenly busted open and the detectives along with Principal Samuels came rushing in. "What's going on here, we heard yelling"

"It's nothing. It's just a big misunderstanding" the nurse explained to everyone as my mom started to calm down.

"Everyone please relax" I softly added getting up from the bed. "Mom, Dad I'm perfectly fine okay so please don't stress. This is detectives Kane and Graves, they are the ones in charge of Clay Nolan's assault investigation so they were just asking me a few questions about anything I knew that's all."

"Wait what I don't understand is why they were questioning you though out of all people"

"No ma'am please understand, we didn't just question Dre, we had to question everyone who wasn't accounted for in class that morning and Dre just happened to be one of them."

"Wait why wasn't he accounted for?" My mom and dad got even more shocked. "Dre why weren't you in class? What's going on? Where were you? Did you do this?" My mom continued asking.

"NO of course not! I would never"

"Okay then Dre please take a seat and tell us were you were." The detective Kane instructed. "And well everyone else please give us some room to talk to Dre alone"

"Wait what no! We're his parents we have a right to be here, he's still underage, we know the law!"

"Well yes ma'am we understand that but you have to remember he's not a suspect and this isn't an interrogation so you have to calm down"

"Well if it's not an interrogation then we have a right to be here so we aren't going anywhere" my mom said comforting me.

"Okay then, just let them stay Kane" Graves suggested.

"Okay but you have to all be quiet or else your getting out!" She declared. "Now Dre where were you on the morning of Clay's assault?"

"Uhm- I was late for school that morning. I don't have a car so I usually walk or get a ride from Chris my best friend but then he wasn't around that morning so I had to walk"

"Okay and how long does it take you to get here on foot?"

"Roughly 20-30 minutes I'm guessing"

"So then if it's like that then why were you late because obviously you must be accustomed to getting here on time even when you have to walk right?"

"Uhm well yes but I woke up a bit late that morning and I was craving some Oreos so after I left the house I stopped by the gas station down the road to get some hence I was late"

"Okay then we'll have to look into that. Thank you for your time. We'll stay in touch" they said leaving the room and my principal followed behind them.

My parents the swooped in to give me a tight embrace. "We know you'd never do anything like this. You're such a good boy" they then helped me grab all my things and we went home.


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