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Book One | Bad Together

Clay POV

Damn, its been along day, I'm super tired...

"Mama I'm back!"


Hmmm no response, guess she aint back home yet.

Usually my mom and dad go out for dinner on Friday nights after work but since he's away on a business trip for the week I thought maybe she'd be home but I guess she made plans with someone else in his place. I know she doesn't like eating at home on Fridays and she definitely doesn't dine alone so yea she's most probably with someone and this means I'm home alone for the most of the night.

I better text Michael and Arnia to tell them I made it back safe.

[Chats - Clay & Arnia]

Clay: Hey, got home safe... Yall good?

Arnia: Hey Clay glad to hear that... Yeah I got home safe, haven't heard from Michael yet though.

Clay: He's probably still on his way.

Arnia: Probably, and Dre?

Clay: Probably still on his was too, I think he'll text me once he gets home.

Arnia: A'ight, well i'mma call it a night. Meet up for lunch tomorrow?

Clay: Sure, night love.

I then put my phone down on the livingroom couch and walked to the kitchen to fix myself a little snack before heading upstairs to take a shower.

After a couple of minutes of making myself some microwaved popcorn I came back to the livingroom and took a seat on the couch right next to where I'd left my phone. I picked up the TV remote and started channel surfing for something good to watch but like always there seemed to be nothing nice on...

*ting ting*

My phone was notifing me that I'd gotten a text so I picked it up to see who it was thinking it was from Dre telling me that he'd got home safe but it wasn't. It was from someone else instead, someone even better - daddy 🍆

[Chats - Daddy]

Daddy: Where yo ass at?

Clay: At home alone, you tryna pull thru?

Daddy: What you thinkin' 🤔

Clay: Peaches 🍑💦

Daddy: A'ight be there in a couple of minutes.

Clay: Can't wait.

After texting I got up from the couch and ran upstairs to my room so I could freshen up real quick before my guest arrived. I had a quick 5 minutes spritz then hopped out and picked up my phone see if anyone had texted me whilst I was showering - anyone meaning daddy...but nothing yet which is a good thing cause I wasn't yet ready and couldn't have him showing up before that.

I then used this as a opportunity to finish up, so I opened up my spotify, put on Girls Need Love by Summer Walker and started applying my coconut body butter that I know he likes on me cause of the scent. I was so caught up on how good the song was so I started singing along to the lyris and y'all know that I know this whole song by heart inside and out PERIOD.

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