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Book One | Blood On The Leaves

"Are you calm?" They asked looking me in the eyes.

I slowly nodded my head in agreement and honestly I was at a lost for words right now.

"Good now come with us" they instructed as they guided me towards my principals office which we were standing close to.

"The rest of you get back to class! There's nothing to see here!" Principal Samuels instructed to everyone else who was staring at me.

What the fuck do they want with me! They saw me almost beat the shit out of Ms Swart. I'm so fucked!

"Take a seat" they instructed pointing at a chair near my principals desk "we have a few questions for you"

"Uhm about what?!" I asked trying to raise my voice but I was too damn nervous to let out any actual sound cause anyone who knows me knows that I've been scared of cops all my life. "Is it about what just happened outside cause I swear she deserved it. She was talking some shit- "

"Enough!" Principal Samuels ordered "Mind your tongue, we do not speak that way about a member of staff in my school!" He said taking a step towards me.

"Sir please take a step back" one of the cops calmly instructed getting in between him and I.

"Infact do you mind waiting outside whilst we talk to Mr Houston" the other cop asked guiding him out of the room.

"No this is my office. I have a right to be in here"

"I wasn't asking. Get out!" The other cop insisted and I could tell he wanted to resist but he realized he didn't have a say in the matter. He then walked out and they closed the door behind him.

"Now Houston we have a few questions for you and we need you to be honest with us when answering okay"

"Yes ma'am"

"Do you have a first name Houston?"

"Uhm it's Dre"

"Nice to meet you Dre I'm Detective Kane and the man next to you is Detective Graves, we have a few questions for you about Clay that's we need you to answer.

"Clay! Wait yeah! What happened to him. Do you know who hurt him!"

"Please relax kid, we're the ones asking the questions here"

"I just wanna know if he's okay" I dealt myself getting emotional all of a sudden. I wasn't angry anymore. Instead it felt like I was about to burst into tears but I managed to hold it back.

"Do you know anyone who would have wanted to hurt him. Someone who hated him perhaps? Enemies or anyone jealous of him. Stuff like that you know..."

"Uhm-Uhm what nah ...I mean I dont know" I answered even though I couldn't think straight. "Wait why are you asking me all this..." I asked in confusion. "shouldn't you be talking to Michael and Arnia - he's friends"

"We've already spoken to them last night at the hospital" they explained.

"Okay then what are you question me for??" I asked raising my voice "Clay and I aren't friends"

"For someone who isn't friends with him you seem pretty emotional about him well-being"

"Uhm well yeah, I mean he did get raped after all...who wouldn't be emotional about that" I said trying to calm down.

"Well okay then and would you care to explain where you were during the time of the incident because according to our sources you weren't in class like you should have been that morning"

"Uhm wait-what you think I did this! Are you saying I hurt Clay!! No!!! What the fuck!!!! I would never do that!!!!! I fuckin lov- " I quickly realized what I was about to say so I quickly stopped myself "Uhm I mean no! I didn't do that shit!"

"Relax Dre we're not accusing you of anything" they tried to calm me. "We just wanna know where you were that morning that's all"

"Uhm-Uhm...eh" I stuttered and damn my heart was racing. I could even feel my T-shirt getting wet from all the sweat dripping down my body. The room started to spin and I felt like I couldn't breath. I tried to get up but I got dizzy and had to balance myself with the chair. I was feeling dehydrated at this point.

"Dre?" Detective Kane called out to me. "Are you okay??"

I then tried to take a step towards the water cooler but then...


I suddenly collapsed on the floor and passed out.


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