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Book One | Lucid Dreams

After walking for a while we finally arrived and the first thing I noticed after entering was that no one was home which was kinda weird cause they should be home by now. So I thought I should call to see where they were.

As I was about to call I noticed that my mom had sent me a text about an hour ago whilst I was still at practice:

Hey babe. Your dad and I are spending the night at Grandma's house but we'll be back tomorrow. Call if you need anything, Love you. 💕

Oh aight then...

I then remembered that Clay was still standing next to me. Guess he was waiting for me to give him permission to sit or something.

"Right so my folks are out for the night so I guess we all alone" I said awkwardly but in my defense it didn't seem like such an awkward thing to say at the time but I guess he took it that way or something because he gave me a questionable look right after I said that.

"Riiiight..." he alliterated then looked around to avoid eye contact with me.

"Aight. Guess we can work in my room if that's cool with you?"

"Uhm, yea I guess. I mean it's your house so whatever...anything is fine with me"

"Aight follow me" I said leading the way to my room and he followed curiously inspecting the house like all guests do.

By the way this was his first time at my place cause he never actually got the chance to come over during the time that we used to hang out.

"Nice room" he commented.

"Thanks I guess, it's nothing special" I said rolling my eyes then afterwards I put my book-bag down on the ground and offered him a seat on my bed.

I then took of my T-shirt and noticed him catching a peep at my abs and chest. "Mhm" I smirked.

He then noticed that I saw him peeping so he got real nervous and embarrassed by it and ended up looking away.

"Ey so like look. I gotta take a quick shower before we start" I stated. "Is that cool?"

"Uhmmm, Yea I guess, I mean again it's your place so whatever ...I'll wait" he said then pulled out his phone and put his headsets on.

"Aight then" I said trying to embrace how awkwardly nonchalant he was being about everything.

I grabbed a towel, ran to the bathroom and took a quick sprits even though the water was warm and felt real good on my body so I kinda wished I could have stayed longer.

After I finished. I put on my towel and came back to my room but to my surprise Clay wasn't there so I got curious and started looking for him.

This nigga better not be snooping around my house. Like who the fuck he think he is...

I then ran into him in the hallway carrying a glass of water with ice in it.

This nigga went through my fuckin fridge!?

"Whatcha think you're doing?" I said startling him cause I guess he wasn't expecting to run into me so he ended up getting even more nervous than before.

"Uhm, Uhm, I needed a glass of water and you were in the shower so I figured I should just help myself"

"Nigga hell nah I don't want you snooping around my house without my permission okay!" I shouting getting into his face.

"Well it ain't my fault that your rude ass didn't offer me a drink when we first got here, I mean talk about terrible hosting skills!" He then shouted getting back in my face.

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