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Book One | Dre

After seeing Clay so fucked up everyone at school had been left in a state like nothing I'd ever seen before. By lunch time there had been all sorts of rumors and theories as to what on Earth could have happened to him but even then, non of us had any real idea.

Non of it makes sense, cause like yeah Clay might be a fag but why on Earth would someone hurt him so badly just for that...

Like I know the school has a few Homophobs but like Clay is a good kid and didn't deserve to be treated like that.

Even with all the rumours that had been floating through the school one thing was apparently clear to most people within...

Whom ever hurt Clay could have been a member of Basketball team because we were the only ones who ever really used the changing rooms during this time of the year.

Everywhere we went within the school, we were given odd stares. Some showing a fear towards us, some disgust and some pure hatred...

And by nighttime everything seemed to have gotten worse... All sorts of tweets had been posted and shared, group chats formed and lists of possible culprits made.... Can you believe that some twisted psychopath even had the nerve to make memes out of the whole thing...

Like what the fuck!

It seemed as though everyone at this point had developed their own twisted version of the story all involving their own personal villains because in a school like ours this is the kind of thing you could just pin on anyone you didn't like.

Honestly speaking I doubt any of them even give a rats ass about Clay...

I swear when I find out who hurt Clay imma fuck his ass up!


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